Freigeben über ICertAdminD::BackupGetDynamicFiles (Opnum 29)

The BackupGetDynamicFiles method retrieves the list of CA dynamic file names that need to be backed up. The dynamic files are those that are not included in the CA database backup and are created dynamically by the CA, for example: CRL files created by the CA. Note that BackupOpenFile and BackupReadFile cannot be used to open and read the dynamic files whose names are returned by this method. Dynamic files must be backed up by means outside this protocol.

 HRESULT BackupGetDynamicFiles(
   [out, size_is(, *pcwcFiles)] WCHAR** ppwszzFiles,
   [out] LONG* pcwcFiles

ppwszzFiles: A pointer to a WCHAR pointer that receives the list of null-terminated dynamic file names that are used by a CA.

pcwcFiles: A pointer to the LONG value that specifies the number of characters in ppwszzFiles.

The CA server MUST apply the following processing rules:

  • If Config_CA_Interface_Flags contains the value IF_NOREMOTEICERTADMINBACKUP, the server SHOULD return an error.<63>

  • The CA server MUST return a list of file names that are not part of the database but which the CA deems necessary to be part of backup. An example of a CA dynamic file is the CRL. The files MUST be accessible to the CA. Each file name MUST be in UNC format. If no files are deemed necessary, the CA MUST set 0 as the value of the *pcwcFiles parameter and return successfully.