Freigeben über Processing RopResetTable

The RopResetTable ROP ([MS-OXCROPS] section MUST remove the column set previously specified by a RopSetColumns ROP request ([MS-OXCROPS] section (if any). The columns on the table MUST be treated as if a RopSetColumns ROP request had never been sent on the table.

The RopResetTable ROP MUST remove the restriction previously applied to the table using RopRestrict ROP ([MS-OXCROPS] section (if any). The table MUST afterwards appear as if the RopRestrict ROP had never been sent on it; that is, as if it had no restriction (all rows MUST be present).

The RopResetTable ROP MUST remove the sort order previously applied to the table using the RopSortTable ROP ([MS-OXCROPS] section (if any). The table MUST afterwards appear as if a RopSortTable ROP had never been sent on it. (The default sort order is undefined.)

The RopResetTable ROP MUST clear any errors that currently invalidate the table (if any), such as a failed send to a RopSortTable or a RopRestrict ROP. Note that even though the errors for the table are cleared, it is not ready to accept a RopQueryRows ROP ([MS-OXCROPS] section, because its column set has not been specified. (The column set can be specified by sending a RopSetColumns ROP request).

The RopResetTable ROP MUST move the cursor to the beginning of the table.

After a RopResetTable ROP executes, all previously existing bookmarks on the table are invalid.

The server MUST complete all asynchronous table ROPs prior to executing this ROP or fail the ROP with "ecBusy",<35> as specified in section

The RopResetTable ROP MUST be supported on contents tables.

The following specific error code applies to this ROP. For more details about ROP errors returned, see [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.4.

Error code name






The object on which this ROP was sent is not a contents table.