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Ändern der Spaltenbreite eines mehrspaltigen Listenfelds

The following example uses the ColumnWidths property to change the column widths of a multicolumn ListBox. Im Beispiel werden drei TextBox-Steuerelemente zum Angeben der einzelnen Spaltenbreiten und das Click-Ereignis verwendet, um die Maßeinheiten der einzelnen TextBox-Elemente anzugeben.

To use this example, copy this sample code to the Script Editor of a form. To run the code you need to open the form so the Open event will activate. Make sure that the form contains:

  • Ein ListBox -Steuerelement mit der Bezeichnung "ListBox1".

  • Drei benutzerdefinierte Textfelder mit der Bezeichnung "Text1", "Text2" und "Text3".

  • Three TextBox controls named TextBox1, TextBox2, and TextBox3 that are bound to the custom text fields above.

  • Eine Befehlsschaltfläche ( CommandButton ) mit der Bezeichnung "CommandButton1".

Try entering the value 0 to hide a column.

Dim MyArray(2, 3) 
Dim ListBox1 
Dim TextBox1 
Dim TextBox2 
Dim TextBox3 
Dim CommandButton1 
Sub Item_Open() 
Dim i, j, Rows 
Set ListBox1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").ListBox1 
Set TextBox1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").TextBox1 
Set TextBox2 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").TextBox2 
Set TextBox3 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").TextBox3 
Set CommandButton1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").CommandButton1 
ListBox1.ColumnCount = 3 
Rows = 2 
For j = 0 To ListBox1.ColumnCount - 1 
 For i = 0 To Rows - 1 
 MyArray(i, j) = "Row " & i & ", Column " & j 
ListBox1.List() = MyArray 'Load MyArray into ListBox1 
TextBox1.Text = "1 in" '1-inch columns initially 
TextBox2.Text = "1 in" 
TextBox3.Text = "1 in" 
End Sub 
Sub CommandButton1_Click() 
 'ColumnWidths requires a value for each column separated by semicolons 
 ListBox1.ColumnWidths = TextBox1.Text & ";" & TextBox2.Text & ";" & TextBox3.Text 
End Sub 
Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name) 
msgbox Name 
Select Case Name 
Case "Text1" 
 'ColumnWidths accepts points (no units), inches or centimeters; make inches the default 
 If Not (InStr(TextBox1.Text, "in") > 0 Or InStr(TextBox1.Text, "cm") > 0) Then 
 TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & " in" 
 End If 
Case "Text2" 
 'ColumnWidths accepts points (no units), inches or centimeters; make inches the default 
 If Not (InStr(TextBox2.Text, "in") > 0 Or InStr(TextBox2.Text, "cm") > 0) Then 
 TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text & " in" 
 End If 
Case "Text3" 
 'ColumnWidths accepts points (no units), inches or centimeters; make inches the default 
 If Not (InStr(TextBox3.Text, "in") > 0 Or InStr(TextBox3.Text, "cm") > 0) Then 
 TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text & " in" 
 End If 
End Select 
End Sub

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