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Application.RestoreSheetSelection method (Project)

Stellt die gespeicherten Informationen zu Zeilen und Spalten einer ausgewählten Tabellenansicht wieder her.


Ausdruck. RestoreSheetSelection

expression Eine Variable, die ein Application-Objekt darstellt.




Das folgende Beispiel veranschaulicht die Funktionsweise von SaveSheetSelection und RestoreSheetSelection veranschaulicht.

Sub SelectionDemo() 
 '1) In your sheet view, make column/row/cell selections, then run this 
 '2) macro which toggles the Project Guide display state, and 
 ' clears the ActiveSelection (saved via Application.SaveSheetSelection). 
 '3) The macro then restores the ActiveSelection via Application.RestoreSheetSelection 
 'Save the ActiveSelection in the active sheet view 
 'Toggle the Project Guide display state 
 Dim boolPGON As Boolean 
 boolPGON = Application.DisplayProjectGuide 
 If boolPGON = True Then 
 Application.DisplayProjectGuide = False 
 Application.DisplayProjectGuide = True 
 End If 
 MsgBox "The Project Guide display state has been toggled. " _ 
 & "Notice that your active selection was cleared in the " _ 
 & "process." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _ 
 & "Now the call to RestoreSheetSelection restores the ActiveSelection...", _ 
End Sub

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