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Class SPXDialogServiceConnectorTurnStatusReceivedEventArgs


@class SPXDialogServiceConnectorTurnStatusReceivedEventArgs : NSObject;


The object type that encapsulates turn status information as received from the dialog implementation that a DialogServiceConnector communicates with. A turn is a single execution session within the dialog implementation that may generate any number of activities over its course. The information in this payload represents success or failure conditions encountered by the dialog implementation over the course of this execution. This data facilitates the indication of completion or error conditions within the dialog implementation even when no explicit activity data is produced as part of a turn.



@property (readonly, copy, atomic) NSString * _Nonnull interactionId;

The interaction identifier associated with this turn status event. Interaction identifiers generally correspond to a single input signal (e.g. a voice utterance or sent activity payload) and will correlate to replyTo fields within Bot Framework activities.


@property (readonly, copy, atomic) NSString * _Nonnull conversationId;

The conversation identifier associated with this turn status event. Conversations are logical groupings of turns that may span multiple interactions. A client can use a conversation identifier to resume or retry a conversation if such a capability is supported by the backing dialog implementation.


@property (readonly, atomic) int statusCode;

The numeric status code associated with this turn status event. These generally correspond to standard HTTP status codes such as 200 (OK), 400 (Failure/Bad Request), and 429 (Timeout/Throttled).