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interface ICoreWebView2ClientCertificateRequestedEventArgs


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.

interface ICoreWebView2ClientCertificateRequestedEventArgs
  : public IUnknown

Event args for the ClientCertificateRequested event.


Members Descriptions
get_AllowedCertificateAuthorities Returns the ICoreWebView2StringCollection.
get_Cancel You may set this flag to cancel the certificate selection.
get_Handled You may set this flag to TRUE to respond to the server with or without a certificate.
get_Host Host name of the server that requested client certificate authentication.
get_IsProxy Returns true if the server that issued this request is an http proxy.
get_MutuallyTrustedCertificates Returns the ICoreWebView2ClientCertificateCollection when client certificate authentication is requested.
get_Port Port of the server that requested client certificate authentication.
get_SelectedCertificate Returns the selected certificate.
GetDeferral Returns an ICoreWebView2Deferral object.
put_Cancel Sets the Cancel property.
put_Handled Sets the Handled property.
put_SelectedCertificate Sets the certificate to respond to the server.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 1.0.961.33
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 1.0.955



Returns the ICoreWebView2StringCollection.

public HRESULT get_AllowedCertificateAuthorities(ICoreWebView2StringCollection ** value)

The collection contains Base64 encoding of DER encoded distinguished names of certificate authorities allowed by the server.


You may set this flag to cancel the certificate selection.

public HRESULT get_Cancel(BOOL * value)

If canceled, the request is aborted regardless of the Handled property. By default the value is FALSE.


You may set this flag to TRUE to respond to the server with or without a certificate.

public HRESULT get_Handled(BOOL * value)

If this flag is TRUE with a SelectedCertificate it responds to the server with the selected certificate otherwise respond to the server without a certificate. By default the value of Handled and Cancel are FALSE and display default client certificate selection dialog prompt to allow the user to choose a certificate. The SelectedCertificate is ignored unless Handled is set TRUE.


Host name of the server that requested client certificate authentication.

public HRESULT get_Host(LPWSTR * value)

Normalization rules applied to the hostname are:

  • Convert to lowercase characters for ascii characters.

  • Punycode is used for representing non ascii characters.

  • Strip square brackets for IPV6 address.

The caller must free the returned string with CoTaskMemFree. See API Conventions.


Returns true if the server that issued this request is an http proxy.

public HRESULT get_IsProxy(BOOL * value)

Returns false if the server is the origin server.


Returns the ICoreWebView2ClientCertificateCollection when client certificate authentication is requested.

public HRESULT get_MutuallyTrustedCertificates(ICoreWebView2ClientCertificateCollection ** value)

The collection contains mutually trusted CA certificates.


Port of the server that requested client certificate authentication.

public HRESULT get_Port(int * value)


Returns the selected certificate.

public HRESULT get_SelectedCertificate(ICoreWebView2ClientCertificate ** value)


Returns an ICoreWebView2Deferral object.

public HRESULT GetDeferral(ICoreWebView2Deferral ** deferral)

Use this operation to complete the event at a later time.


Sets the Cancel property.

public HRESULT put_Cancel(BOOL value)


Sets the Handled property.

public HRESULT put_Handled(BOOL value)


Sets the certificate to respond to the server.

public HRESULT put_SelectedCertificate(ICoreWebView2ClientCertificate * value)