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Create an upload session

To begin uploading a set of chunks, the client must first request a new upload session. This creates a temporary storage location where the bytes of the chunks are saved until the complete chunk payload is uploaded.

Upload session binary stream

The binary stream for an upload session is a collection of chunks (FullChunk) encoded in similar way as PutChunkedFile, where a list of chunks to be uploaded is encoded by using Frames. Make sure there isn't MessageJSON at the beginning or EndFrame at the end.

Upload session binary stream illustration


POST /wopi/files/(file_id)


  • file_id (string) – Required. A string that specifies a file ID of a file managed by the host. This string must be URL safe.

Query parameters

  • access_token (string) – Required. An access token that the host uses to determine whether the request is authorized.

Request headers

  • X-WOPI-Override (string) – Required. The string is CREATE_UPLOAD_SESSION.

The response to this request provides the details of the newly created UploadSession, which includes the sessiontoken string used for uploading the parts and the expiry time for the upload session. This session token must be a unique identifier tied to this specific upload session. A given user ID might have more than one upload session active at a time. Every upload session has a 30-minute expiry interval from the time it was last updated.

Response headers

  • X-WOPI-FailureReason (string) – Optional. Used for logging purposes only. It should be set on non-200 OK responses.

Response body

The response is JSON containing the following required properties:

  • UploadSessionToken – A string identifier for the newly created upload session. This is used to reference the upload session for any future operations.

Sample response:

  "UploadSessionToken": "sessiontoken"

Status codes

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