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Locks overview

To support editing and coauthoring files, clients that use the WOPI protocol require the WOPI host to support locking files. For more information, see the full list of WOPI lock APIs.

Lock types

  • WOPI locks: Existing WOPI locks that are already used in Cloud Services Partner Program Plus (CSPP Plus), and which are extended with more properties for better support for clients. WOPI locks are mutually exclusive for use with all other lock types the host supports, including Coauth and CoauthExclusive locks.

Additional lock types provided by the coauthoring extensions:

  • Coauth lock: New locks that are used to support the coauthoring extensions. The document must have SupportsCoauth enabled. The client must have edit permissions to request this lock. A client can acquire this lock only if one of the following scenarios is true:
    • The file isn't locked by any mechanism that the host understands (including but not limited to WOPI locks); or
    • The file is locked by any number of clients that hold Coauth lock references, and zero or one client holds a CoauthExclusive lock reference. If this lock is held, only clients that hold a Coauth lock may update the document (unless there is a CoauthExclusive lock).
  • CoauthExclusive lock: A subtype of a Coauth lock that can be held by at most one client per document at any given time. The document must have SupportsCoauth enabled. The client must have edit permissions to request this lock. A client can acquire this lock only if one of the following scenarios is true:
    • The file isn't locked by any mechanism that the host understands (including but not limited to WOPI locks); or
    • The file is locked by any number of clients that hold Coauth lock references and no client holds a CoauthExclusive lock reference. This lock doesn't inhibit other client's abilities to acquire or release Coauth locks. If this lock is held, only the client that holds this lock may update the document.


Locks only affect modifying the file, and do not impact requests to read the file.


For the purposes of the existing WOPI lock semantics, the new Coauth locks are considered "another interface." As a result, if a Coauth or CoauthExclusive lock is held on the document, all 409 Conflict responses should omit the X-WOPI-Lock response header for all WOPI methods.

How clients work with locks

A client can switch between a Coauth lock and a CoauthExclusive lock by calling the GetCoauthLock method and requesting the other type of lock. The same rules for evaluating the success of the GetCoauthLock call apply, regardless of the client’s current lock status. UnlockCoauthLock removes the client’s lock. When a client acquires a CoauthExclusive lock, only that client may update the document on the host. Requests for document updates that are made without the CoauthExclusive lock reference should fail.

Coauth lock and CoauthExclusive lock references are associated with their CoauthLockId value instead of with the user identity. A single user identity might have multiple lock references and a distinct CoauthLockId value, while a lock with a specific reference might be taken, refreshed, or released by calls that have different user identities.

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