ExcelScript.GeometricShapeType enum
Gibt den Formtyp für ein GeometricShape
-Objekt an.
* This script creates a hexagon shape on the current worksheet.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
const currentSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
const hexagon: ExcelScript.Shape =
// Set the hexagon size to 40x40 pixels.
// Position the hexagon at [100,100] pixels.
accentBorderCallout1 | |
accentBorderCallout2 | |
accentBorderCallout3 | |
accentCallout1 | |
accentCallout2 | |
accentCallout3 | |
actionButtonBackPrevious | |
actionButtonBeginning | |
actionButtonBlank | |
actionButtonDocument | |
actionButtonEnd | |
actionButtonForwardNext | |
actionButtonHelp | |
actionButtonHome | |
actionButtonInformation | |
actionButtonMovie | |
actionButtonReturn | |
actionButtonSound | |
arc | |
bentArrow | |
bentUpArrow | |
bevel | |
blockArc | |
borderCallout1 | |
borderCallout2 | |
borderCallout3 | |
bracePair | |
bracketPair | |
callout1 | |
callout2 | |
callout3 | |
can | |
chartPlus | |
chartStar | |
chartX | |
chevron | |
chord | |
circularArrow | |
cloud | |
cloudCallout | |
corner | |
cornerTabs | |
cube | |
curvedDownArrow | |
curvedLeftArrow | |
curvedRightArrow | |
curvedUpArrow | |
decagon | |
diagonalStripe | |
diamond | |
dodecagon | |
donut | |
doubleWave | |
downArrow | |
downArrowCallout | |
ellipse | |
ellipseRibbon | |
ellipseRibbon2 | |
flowChartAlternateProcess | |
flowChartCollate | |
flowChartConnector | |
flowChartDecision | |
flowChartDelay | |
flowChartDisplay | |
flowChartDocument | |
flowChartExtract | |
flowChartInputOutput | |
flowChartInternalStorage | |
flowChartMagneticDisk | |
flowChartMagneticDrum | |
flowChartMagneticTape | |
flowChartManualInput | |
flowChartManualOperation | |
flowChartMerge | |
flowChartMultidocument | |
flowChartOfflineStorage | |
flowChartOffpageConnector | |
flowChartOnlineStorage | |
flowChartOr | |
flowChartPredefinedProcess | |
flowChartPreparation | |
flowChartProcess | |
flowChartPunchedCard | |
flowChartPunchedTape | |
flowChartSort | |
flowChartSummingJunction | |
flowChartTerminator | |
foldedCorner | |
frame | |
funnel | |
gear6 | |
gear9 | |
halfFrame | |
heart | |
heptagon | |
hexagon | |
homePlate | |
horizontalScroll | |
irregularSeal1 | |
irregularSeal2 | |
leftArrow | |
leftArrowCallout | |
leftBrace | |
leftBracket | |
leftCircularArrow | |
leftRightArrow | |
leftRightArrowCallout | |
leftRightCircularArrow | |
leftRightRibbon | |
leftRightUpArrow | |
leftUpArrow | |
lightningBolt | |
lineInverse | |
mathDivide | |
mathEqual | |
mathMinus | |
mathMultiply | |
mathNotEqual | |
mathPlus | |
moon | |
nonIsoscelesTrapezoid | |
noSmoking | |
notchedRightArrow | |
octagon | |
parallelogram | |
pentagon | |
pie | |
pieWedge | |
plaque | |
plaqueTabs | |
plus | |
quadArrow | |
quadArrowCallout | |
rectangle | |
ribbon | |
ribbon2 | |
rightArrow | |
rightArrowCallout | |
rightBrace | |
rightBracket | |
rightTriangle | |
round1Rectangle | |
round2DiagonalRectangle | |
round2SameRectangle | |
roundRectangle | |
smileyFace | |
snip1Rectangle | |
snip2DiagonalRectangle | |
snip2SameRectangle | |
snipRoundRectangle | |
squareTabs | |
star10 | |
star12 | |
star16 | |
star24 | |
star32 | |
star4 | |
star5 | |
star6 | |
star7 | |
star8 | |
stripedRightArrow | |
sun | |
swooshArrow | |
teardrop | |
trapezoid | |
triangle | |
upArrow | |
upArrowCallout | |
upDownArrow | |
upDownArrowCallout | |
uturnArrow | |
verticalScroll | |
wave | |
wedgeEllipseCallout | |
wedgeRectCallout | |
wedgeRRectCallout |
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Office Scripts