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Beispielcode: Initialisierungs- und Routingprozedur

Dieses Thema enthält eine Gliederung des Quellcodes für den Empfang von Nachrichten aus dem Modul für dynamischen Zugriff (Dynamic Access Module, DMOD).


TRACEn() ist ein Makro, das verwendet wird, um nachzuverfolgende Daten anzugeben. Diese Daten können Variablenparameter enthalten. Der Wert n gibt den Schweregrad der Ablaufverfolgung an. Die nicht übereinstimmenden Klammern sind absichtlich. Sie werden durch die Erweiterung des Makros aufgelöst.

/* Sample code for initialization and routing procedure.            */  
HSEM  dummysem = NULL;      /* This semaphore is never used         */  
/* Initialization procedure                                         */  
USHORT init_proc()  
  rc = sbpuinit(&dmodsem, CLIENT, CES3270, username);  
  TRACE4()"DMOD initialized, rc=%d",rc));  
  if (rc == NO_ERROR)  
/* The procedure routproc will be called whenever a message is      */  
/* received by the DMOD. This is used to post back the application, */  
/* but take care to protect any queues against concurrent access by */  
/* multiple threads.                                                */  
    rc = sepdrout(routproc);  
    TRACE4()"Rout proc set up, rc=%d",rc));  
    if (rc == NO_ERROR)  
      /* Other initialization here                                  */  
  return (rc);  
/* The routine routproc is called whenever the DMOD receives a      */  
/* message or a status indication.                                   */  
USHORT FAR _loadds routproc(buf, srcl, status)  
BUFHDR FAR *buf;        /* Buffer that has been received            */  
USHORT      srcl;       /* Locality from which buffer was received  */  
USHORT      status;     /* Reason for call                          */  
                        /* CEDINMSG = message received              */  
                        /* CEDINLLN = path error occurred (on srcl) */  
  COM_ENTRY("routp");   /* initialize rc=FALSE                      */  
                        /* Call the DL BASE to handle re-resource   */  
                        /* location                                 */  
  if (!sbpurcvx(&buf, srcl, status))  
    switch (status) {  
      case CEDINMSG:  
        if (buf->destp == S3PROD)         /* Is the message for us? */  
     /* Process the received message.                               */  
     /*                                                             */  
     /* If the message is DATAFMI on the PLU-SLU session, and the   */  
     /* application has requested to use flow control on the        */  
     /* session, then this processing should include:               */  
     /*                                                             */  
     /* -  increment number of messages received by the client      */  
     /* -  check whether the number received exceeds the threshold  */  
     /*    for normally returning credit to the node. If so, check  */  
     /*    whether it is OK to return credit (for example, not short of      */  
     /*    buffers), and if OK send a status-resource message to    */  
     /*    the node to give it credit to send more messages to the  */  
     /*    client.                                                  */  
          rc = TRUE;  
          TRACE2()"Routing proc got message at %p",buf));  
          TRACE2()"Routing proc did not take message at %p",buf));  
      case CEDINLLN:  
        TRACE2()"Path error on %d",srcl));  
        /* Process the path error status.                           */  
    /* If the message/status cannot be completely processed here,   */  
    /* the application can queue the message and clear a semaphore for the  */  
    /* main thread to continue the processing.                      */  
  } else {  
    rc = TRUE;       /* DLBase handled the message on our behalf    */<<<<<<<<<<This should be FALSE or Zero  
  /* Returning a value of TRUE indicates that we processed the      */  
  /* event return(rc);  
A possible solution is to remove the else statment altogether.  
  Copy Code   
/* Sample code for initialization and routing procedure.            */  
HSEM  dummysem = NULL;      /* This semaphore is never used         */  
/* Initialization procedure                                         */  
USHORT init_proc()  
  rc = sbpuinit(&dmodsem, CLIENT, CES3270, username);  
  TRACE4()"DMOD initialized, rc=%d",rc));  
  if (rc == NO_ERROR)  
/* The procedure routproc will be called whenever a message is      */  
/* received by the DMOD. This is used to post back the application, */  
/* but take care to protect any queues against concurrent access by */  
/* multiple threads.                                                */  
    rc = sepdrout(routproc);  
    TRACE4()"Rout proc set up, rc=%d",rc));  
    if (rc == NO_ERROR)  
      /* Other initialization here                                  */  
  return (rc);  
/* The routine routproc is called whenever the DMOD receives a      */  
/* message or a status indication.                                   */  
USHORT FAR _loadds routproc(buf, srcl, status)  
BUFHDR FAR *buf;        /* Buffer that has been received            */  
USHORT      srcl;       /* Locality from which buffer was received  */  
USHORT      status;     /* Reason for call                          */  
                        /* CEDINMSG = message received              */  
                        /* CEDINLLN = path error occurred (on srcl) */  
  COM_ENTRY("routp");   /* initialize rc=FALSE                      */  
                        /* Call the DL BASE to handle re-resource   */  
                        /* location                                 */  
  if (!sbpurcvx(&buf, srcl, status))  
    switch (status) {  
      case CEDINMSG:  
        if (buf->destp == S3PROD)         /* Is the message for us? */  
     /* Process the received message.                               */  
     /*                                                             */  
     /* If the message is DATAFMI on the PLU-SLU session, and the   */  
     /* application has requested to use flow control on the        */  
     /* session, then this processing should include:               */  
     /*                                                             */  
     /* -  increment number of messages received by the client      */  
     /* -  check whether the number received exceeds the threshold  */  
     /*    for normally returning credit to the node. If so, check  */  
     /*    whether it is OK to return credit (for example, not short of      */  
     /*    buffers), and if OK send a status-resource message to    */  
     /*    the node to give it credit to send more messages to the  */  
     /*    client.                                                  */  
          rc = TRUE;  
          TRACE2()"Routing proc got message at %p",buf));  
          TRACE2()"Routing proc did not take message at %p",buf));  
      case CEDINLLN:  
        TRACE2()"Path error on %d",srcl));  
        /* Process the path error status.                           */  
    /* If the message/status cannot be completely processed here,   */  
    /* the application can queue the message and clear a semaphore for the  */  
    /* main thread to continue the processing.                      */  
  /* Returning a value of TRUE indicates that we processed the      */  
  /* event otherwise FALSE means the message was processed by */   
  /* DL - Base */  