enrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTargetStatus resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Represents the Validation status of the device membership targets. The set/get EnrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTarget API validates the device membership targets specified by the admin to ensure that they exist, that they are of the proper type, and any other target requirements are met such as that the Intune Device Provisioning First Party App is an owner of the target.
Property | Type | Description |
targetId | String | The unique identifiers of the targets that devices will become members of when enrolled with the asociated profile. |
validationSucceeded | Boolean | Indicates if validations succeeded for the device membership target. When 'true', the device membership target validation found no issues. When 'false', the device membership target validation found issues. default - false |
targetValidationErrorCode | enrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTargetValidationErrorCode | The Validation Error of target that devices will become members of when enrolled with the asociated profile. When there are validation issues are found this property is set with the associated error code of the failure and validationSucceeded property is set to is false. When there are no validation issues found this property will have default value: unknown and validationSucceeded property is set to is true. Possible validation values are unknown,securityGroupNotFound,notSecurityGroup,notStaticSecurityGroup,firstPartyAppNotAnOwner. Default value : unknown. Possible values are: unknown , securityGroupNotFound , notSecurityGroup , notStaticSecurityGroup , firstPartyAppNotAnOwner , securityGroupNotInCallerScope , unknownFutureValue . |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.enrollmentTimeDeviceMembershipTargetStatus",
"targetId": "String",
"validationSucceeded": true,
"targetValidationErrorCode": "String"