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Set up invocation methods example

This topic provides an example of how to set up invocation methods for a custom provider. When working with custom async providers, it's best to use invocation methods so that the provider can be reused as needed.

HRESULT CustomProviderMethodAsync(XAsyncBlock* async)
    // Set up the context for your method.
    void* context;
    HRESULT hr = XAsyncBegin(async, context, CustomProviderMethodAsync, __FUNCTION__,
        [](XAsyncOp op, const XAsyncProviderData* providerData)
            // Provider cases are handled here.
            return S_OK;
    return hr;

This example shows how all asynchronous Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK) methods are implemented and allows for reuse of the provider. If the DoWork case is highly specific, it becomes a specialized asynchronous function. To make it generic, allow the DoWork case to be customized in some way.

See also

XAsyncProvider library overview

Set up custom provider (example)

Set up return data (example)

Set up cancelability (example)
