PIXBeginEvent overview
Starts a user-defined event for a timing capture of CPU activity, to be displayed in the System Timing Capture feature of PIX.
void PIXBeginEvent(
void* context,
UINT64 color,
PCWSTR formatString,
Type: void*
Context for the event, accepts ID3D12GraphicsCommandList\*
, ID3D12GraphicsCommandList\*
and ID3D12XboxDmaCommandList\*
(Xbox only).
Type: UINT64
The event color to use in the system timing chart. Use PIX_COLOR to specify a color, PIX_COLOR_INDEX to specify a color index, or pass in a raw DWORD noting that the format is ARGB and the alpha channel value must be 0xff.
formatString _In_
The name to use to describe the event, as a pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string. The string may specify zero or more optional string format placeholders, very similar to sprintf
Type: ...
If placeholders are used in formatString, there must be a corresponding number of parameters whose types depend on the placeholders. This method supports up to a maximum of 16 format parameters.
Return value
Type: void
The PIXBeginEvent
function saves format string and format parameters instead of formatting the string at runtime. Formatting is then done when reading capture files in PIX. Use 16-byte aligned strings (preferable) or 8-byte aligned strings with PIXBeginEvent
to get the best performance. To print a char* or wchar_t* as a pointer using %p format specifier, cast the pointer to void* or a pointer to an integral or a floating point type when passing it to PIXBeginEvent
. For the best performance, use a statically allocated string.
Calls to PIXBeginEvent
are guaranteed at least 512 bytes of space to save the record data, which includes the full size and alignment of the format string and all variables. In general, PIX events are intended for short high-performance markers that align to your game's major components, systems, or content.
This method is used to time CPU events. For more information about timing GPU events, see the PIX GPU Capture APIs section of PIX3.
Each call to PIXBeginEvent
must have a matching call to PIXEndEvent. The paired calls to PIXBeginEvent
and PIXEndEvent must occur on the same thread. The timing interval is about 200ns, and there is a low overhead to using this function, so up to several hundred thousand calls to PIXBeginEvent
can be made per second.
and PIXEndEvent
pairs can be nested to any depth.
Header: pix3.h
Library: pixevt.lib
Supported platforms: Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles
See also
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