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Gets the results from a XGameUiShowPlayerPickerAsync call.


HRESULT XGameUiShowPlayerPickerResult(  
         XAsyncBlock* async,  
         uint32_t resultPlayersCount,  
         uint64_t* resultPlayers,  
         uint32_t* resultPlayersUsed  


async   _In_
Type: XAsyncBlock*

A pointer to the XAsyncBlock that was passed to XGameUiShowPlayerPickerAsync.

resultPlayersCount   _In_
Type: uint32_t

The count of player results, which is used to determine the buffer size that contains the results. You can get this info by calling XGameUiShowPlayerPickerResultCount. Alternatively, if you have pre-allocated a large result buffer, you can pass in a number equal to the max number of uint64_t fields that the buffer can contain.

resultPlayers   _Out_writes_to_(resultPlayersCount,resultPlayersUsed)
Type: uint64_t

A pointer to a list of the IDs of the players that were selected in the player picker UI.

resultPlayersUsed   _Out_opt_
Type: uint32_t*

The number of players that were selected in the player picker UI.

Return value


HRESULT success or error code.


Typically this function is to be called in XGameUiShowPlayerPickerAsync's XAsyncBlock. This function will allow you to retrieve the list of players requested. You can also receive the number of player returned by calling XGameUiShowPlayerPickerResultCount.
You may also call this function anytime after the async function completes in order to retrieve the function result.


Header: XGameUI.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
