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Gets the name of the location of the streaming server's data center.


HRESULT XGameStreamingGetServerLocationName(
         size_t serverLocationNameSize,
         char* serverLocationName


serverLocationNameSize   _In_
Type: size_t

The maximum size of the data center location name to return. The serverLocationNameSize should be retrieved by calling XGameStreamingGetServerLocationNameSize.

serverLocationName   _Out_writes_z_(serverLocationNameSize)
Type: char*

The name of the Azure Region with the data center hosting the streaming Xbox server.

Return value


Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.

Potential Errors

Error Code Error Value Reason for Error
E_GAMESTREAMING_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x89245400 The XGameStreaming runtime has not been initialized. Call XGameStreamingInitialize before calling other APIs.
E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER 0x7A serverLocationSize is not large enough to hold the full name of the server location (and its terminating null character).
E_GAMESTREAMING_NO_DATACENTER 0x89245403 The current machine is not running in a datacenter.

For a list of error codes, see Error Codes.


Before you call this function, you can call XGameStreamingGetServerLocationNameSize to get the size of the server location name so that you can allocate a buffer.

You can utilize the Azure Region if the game wants to connect to a game server that is hosted on Azure PlayFab Multiplayer Servers, and wants a minimium latency with its game server.

The error of E_GAMESTREAMING_NO_DATACENTER can occur when a player is using Console Streaming to stream the game from their home Xbox. This error can also occur on an Xbox Developer Kit if you have not set an override value.

On an Xbox Developer Kit, you can set the serverLocationName that should be returned during testing, in the Streaming tab of the Developer Home.


Header: xgamestreaming.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
