Ends the current game, frees any allocated resources, and launches a new game.
void XLaunchNewGame(
const char* exePath,
const char* args,
XUserHandle defaultUser
exePath _In_z_
Type: char*
The path and file name of the new game to launch. This path can be either relative to the current directory or an absolute path. Games that need to know the path to the calling executable can call GetModuleFileNameA with a nullptr for the module handle.
args _In_opt_z_
Type: char*
Any applicable, game-specific arguments with which to launch the new game.
defaultUser _In_opt_
Type: XUserHandle
The handle of the user launching the new game. If a value isn't specified, the current user is specified.
Return value
Type: void
This function does not return a value or raise exceptions, even if it's unable to restart the game.
This function isn't safe to call on a time-sensitive thread. For more information, see Time-sensitive threads.
This function restarts the game, ends the game's current process, and restarts the game by using a new process. The game is restarted without restarting the virtual machine on which the game is running. You have the option to specify a different default user and game-specific arguments with which the game is to be restarted; for details on specifying a different default user, see User identity and XUser.
The current process is always terminated, even if the function encounters an error while launching a new game. For example, if any value specified for exePath, args, or defaultUser is not valid, the function does not return a value or raise an exception.
When this function is called, all previously mounted DLC will get unmounted with the exception being the DLC hosting the target of XLaunchNewGame. The G: drive will continue to point at the root of the base package and not the newly launched EXE.
If a game is suspended after XLaunchNewGame is called but prior to the newly launched game setting up its suspend handler, the game will get terminated. This is a very narrow window of time and in practice should be a very unlikely occurrence.
Memory transferred to the system using XMemTransferMemory (NDA topic)Autorisierung erforderlich is persisted.
Header: XGame.h
Library: xgameruntime.lib
Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles