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Getting event-based stats

This topic provides example code for getting event-based stats.

APIs expose various levels of batching to get event-based stats. It's best practice to make as few calls as possible by using the batch API that fits your needs.

This topic covers the following:

You can also subscribe to stats changes.

Getting a single stat for a single user and single SCID

The following example code shows how to read a single user stat.

Flat C API

auto asyncBlock = std::make_unique<XAsyncBlock>();
asyncBlock->queue = queue;
asyncBlock->callback = [](XAsyncBlock* asyncBlock)
    std::unique_ptr<XAsyncBlock> asyncBlockPtr{ asyncBlock }; // Take over ownership of the XAsyncBlock*.
    size_t resultSize;
    HRESULT hr = XblUserStatisticsGetSingleUserStatisticResultSize(asyncBlock, &resultSize);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        std::vector<char> buffer(resultSize, 0);
        XblUserStatisticsResult* result{};

        hr = XblUserStatisticsGetSingleUserStatisticResult(asyncBlock, resultSize,, &result, nullptr);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && result->serviceConfigStatisticsCount > 0 && result->serviceConfigStatistics->statisticsCount > 0)
            int64_t userStatValue = atoll(result->serviceConfigStatistics[0].statistics[0].value);
            // You can now show or store userStatValue.

HRESULT hr = XblUserStatisticsGetSingleUserStatisticAsync(
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    // The call succeeded, so release the std::unique_ptr ownership of XAsyncBlock* because the callback will take over ownership.
    // If the call fails, the std::unique_ptr will keep ownership and delete the XAsyncBlock*.

For more information, see the following:

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Getting multiple stats for a single user and single SCID

The following example code shows how to read multiple stats for a single user in one HTTP call.

Flat C API

auto asyncBlock = std::make_unique<XAsyncBlock>();
asyncBlock->queue = queue;
asyncBlock->callback = [](XAsyncBlock* asyncBlock)
    std::unique_ptr<XAsyncBlock> asyncBlockPtr{ asyncBlock }; // Take over ownership of the XAsyncBlock*.
    size_t resultSize;
    HRESULT hr = XblUserStatisticsGetSingleUserStatisticsResultSize(asyncBlock, &resultSize);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        std::vector<char> buffer(resultSize, 0);
        XblUserStatisticsResult* results{};

        hr = XblUserStatisticsGetSingleUserStatisticsResult(asyncBlock, resultSize,, &results, nullptr);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // You can now use the XblUserStatisticsResult array in results.


const char* statisticNames[2] = {};
statisticNames[0] = statisticName1.c_str();
statisticNames[1] = statisticName2.c_str();

HRESULT hr = XblUserStatisticsGetSingleUserStatisticsAsync(
    statisticNames, 2, 
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    // The call succeeded, so release the std::unique_ptr ownership of XAsyncBlock* because the callback will take over ownership.
    // If the call fails, the std::unique_ptr will keep ownership and delete the XAsyncBlock*.

For more information, see the following:

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Getting multiple stats for multiple users and single SCID

The following example code shows how to read multiple stats for multiple users in one HTTP call.

Flat C API

auto asyncBlock = std::make_unique<XAsyncBlock>();
asyncBlock->queue = queue;
asyncBlock->callback = [](XAsyncBlock* asyncBlock)
    std::unique_ptr<XAsyncBlock> asyncBlockPtr{ asyncBlock }; // Take over ownership of the XAsyncBlock*.
    size_t resultSize;
    HRESULT hr = XblUserStatisticsGetMultipleUserStatisticsResultSize(asyncBlock, &resultSize);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        std::vector<char> buffer(resultSize, 0);
        XblUserStatisticsResult* results{};
        size_t resultsCount = 0;

        hr = XblUserStatisticsGetMultipleUserStatisticsResult(asyncBlock, resultSize,, &results, &resultsCount, nullptr);

        // Process results array to read the user stats data.
        for (size_t iResult = 0; iResult < resultsCount; iResult++)
            LogToFile("%d", results[iResult].xboxUserId);
            for (size_t iScid = 0; iScid < results[iResult].serviceConfigStatisticsCount; iScid++)
                LogToFile("SCID: %s", results[iResult].serviceConfigStatistics[iScid].serviceConfigurationId);
                for (size_t iStat = 0; iStat < results[iResult].serviceConfigStatistics[iScid].statisticsCount; iStat++)
                    LogToFile("Stat %d: name:%s value:%s type:%s", iResult,
                        results[iResult].serviceConfigStatistics[iScid].statistics[iStat].statisticType );


const char* statisticNames[2] = {};
statisticNames[0] = statisticName1.c_str();
statisticNames[1] = statisticName2.c_str();

uint64_t xuids[2] = {};
xuids[0] = xuid1;
xuids[1] = xuid2;

HRESULT hr = XblUserStatisticsGetMultipleUserStatisticsAsync(
    xuids, 2,
    statisticNames, 2,
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    // The call succeeded, so release the std::unique_ptr ownership of XAsyncBlock* because the callback will take over ownership.
    // If the call fails, the std::unique_ptr will keep ownership and delete the XAsyncBlock*.

For more information, see the following:

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Getting multiple stats for multiple users across multiple SCIDs

The following example code shows how to use Xbox Services API (XSAPI) to read multiple stats from a single service configuration for multiple users by using just one call.

Flat C API

auto asyncBlock = std::make_unique<XAsyncBlock>();
asyncBlock->queue = queue;
asyncBlock->callback = [](XAsyncBlock* asyncBlock)
    std::unique_ptr<XAsyncBlock> asyncBlockPtr{ asyncBlock }; // Take over ownership of the XAsyncBlock*.
    size_t resultSize;
    HRESULT hr = XblUserStatisticsGetMultipleUserStatisticsForMultipleServiceConfigurationsResultSize(asyncBlock, &resultSize);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        std::vector<char> buffer(resultSize, 0);
        XblUserStatisticsResult* results{};
        size_t resultsCount = 0;

        hr = XblUserStatisticsGetMultipleUserStatisticsForMultipleServiceConfigurationsResult(asyncBlock, resultSize,, &results, &resultsCount, nullptr);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            for (size_t i = 0; i < resultsCount; i++)
                // Log results.
                std::stringstream stream;
                stream << "XUID: " << results[i].xboxUserId << std::endl;;

                for (size_t j = 0; j < results[i].serviceConfigStatisticsCount; j++)
                    stream << " " << results[i].serviceConfigStatistics[j].serviceConfigurationId << ": " << std::endl;
                    for (size_t k = 0; k < results[i].serviceConfigStatistics[j].statisticsCount; k++)
                        stream << " " << results[i].serviceConfigStatistics[j].statistics[k].statisticName << "=" << results[i].serviceConfigStatistics[j].statistics[k].value << std::endl;


const char* requestedStatsNames1[2] = {};
requestedStatsNames1[0] = statisticName1.c_str();
requestedStatsNames1[1] = statisticName2.c_str();

XblRequestedStatistics requestedStats[1] = {};
pal::strcpy(requestedStats[0].serviceConfigurationId, sizeof(XblRequestedStatistics::serviceConfigurationId), scid);
requestedStats[0].statistics = requestedStatsNames1;
requestedStats[0].statisticsCount = 2;

uint64_t xuids[2] = {};
xuids[0] = xuid1;
xuids[1] = xuid2;
HRESULT hr = XblUserStatisticsGetMultipleUserStatisticsForMultipleServiceConfigurationsAsync(
    xuids, 2,
    requestedStats, 1,
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    // The call succeeded, so release the std::unique_ptr ownership of XAsyncBlock* because the callback will take over ownership.
    // If the call fails, the std::unique_ptr will keep ownership and delete the XAsyncBlock*.

For more information, see the following:

See also

Sending an event
user_statistics_c header

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