Fluent-API mit VB.NET
Mit Code First können Sie Ihr Modell mithilfe von C# oder VB.NET-Klassen definieren. Eine Zusätzliche Konfiguration kann optional mithilfe von Attributen für Ihre Klassen und Eigenschaften oder mithilfe einer Fluent-API ausgeführt werden. In dieser exemplarischen Vorgehensweise wird gezeigt, wie Sie die Fluent-API-Konfiguration mit VB.NET ausführen.
Diese Seite setzt Grundkenntnisse in Code First voraus. Weitere Informationen zu Code First finden Sie in den folgenden exemplarischen Vorgehensweisen:
- Code First to a New Database (Code First für eine neue Datenbank)
- Code First mit einer vorhandenen Datenbank
Sie müssen mindestens Visual Studio 2010 oder Visual Studio 2012 installiert haben, um diese exemplarische Vorgehensweise abzuschließen.
Wenn Sie Visual Studio 2010 verwenden, müssen Sie auch NuGet installiert haben.
Erstellen der Anwendung
Um die Dinge einfach zu halten, erstellen wir eine einfache Konsolenanwendung, die Code First zum Ausführen des Datenzugriffs verwendet.
- Öffnen Sie Visual Studio.
- Datei -> Neu -> Projekt
- Wählen Sie im linken Menü Windows und Konsolenanwendung aus.
- Geben Sie CodeFirstVBSample als Namen ein.
- Klicken Sie auf OK.
Definieren des Modells
In diesem Schritt definieren Sie VB.NET POCO-Entitätstypen, die das konzeptionelle Modell darstellen. Die Klassen müssen nicht von Basisklassen abgeleitet oder in Schnittstellen implementiert werden.
- Fügen Sie dem Projekt eine neue Klasse hinzu, geben Sie SchoolModel für den Klassennamen ein.
- Ersetzen Sie den Inhalt der neuen Klasse durch den folgenden Code.
Public Class Department
Public Sub New()
Me.Courses = New List(Of Course)()
End Sub
' Primary key
Public Property DepartmentID() As Integer
Public Property Name() As String
Public Property Budget() As Decimal
Public Property StartDate() As Date
Public Property Administrator() As Integer?
Public Overridable Property Courses() As ICollection(Of Course)
End Class
Public Class Course
Public Sub New()
Me.Instructors = New HashSet(Of Instructor)()
End Sub
' Primary key
Public Property CourseID() As Integer
Public Property Title() As String
Public Property Credits() As Integer
' Foreign key that does not follow the Code First convention.
' The fluent API will be used to configure DepartmentID_FK to be the foreign key for this entity.
Public Property DepartmentID_FK() As Integer
' Navigation properties
Public Overridable Property Department() As Department
Public Overridable Property Instructors() As ICollection(Of Instructor)
End Class
Public Class OnlineCourse
Inherits Course
Public Property URL() As String
End Class
Partial Public Class OnsiteCourse
Inherits Course
Public Sub New()
Details = New OnsiteCourseDetails()
End Sub
Public Property Details() As OnsiteCourseDetails
End Class
' Complex type
Public Class OnsiteCourseDetails
Public Property Time() As Date
Public Property Location() As String
Public Property Days() As String
End Class
Public Class Person
' Primary key
Public Property PersonID() As Integer
Public Property LastName() As String
Public Property FirstName() As String
End Class
Public Class Instructor
Inherits Person
Public Sub New()
Me.Courses = New List(Of Course)()
End Sub
Public Property HireDate() As Date
' Navigation properties
Private privateCourses As ICollection(Of Course)
Public Overridable Property Courses() As ICollection(Of Course)
Public Overridable Property OfficeAssignment() As OfficeAssignment
End Class
Public Class OfficeAssignment
' Primary key that does not follow the Code First convention.
' The HasKey method is used later to configure the primary key for the entity.
Public Property InstructorID() As Integer
Public Property Location() As String
Public Property Timestamp() As Byte()
' Navigation property
Public Overridable Property Instructor() As Instructor
End Class
Definieren eines abgeleiteten Kontexts
Wir sind dabei, Typen aus dem Entity Framework zu verwenden, daher müssen wir das EntityFramework NuGet-Paket hinzufügen.
- **Projekt –>NuGet-Pakete verwalten...
Wenn Sie nicht über die Option NuGet-Pakete verwalten verfügen, sollten Sie die neueste Version von NuGet installieren.
- Wählen Sie die Registerkarte Online aus.
- Wählen Sie das EntityFramework-Paket aus.
- Klicken Sie auf Install (Installieren).
Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, einen abgeleiteten Kontext zu definieren, der eine Sitzung mit der Datenbank darstellt, sodass wir Daten abfragen und speichern können. Wir definieren einen Kontext, der von „System.Data.Entity.DbContext“ abgeleitet wird und eine typisierte DbSet<TEntity> für jede Klasse in unserem Modell verfügbar macht.
- Fügen Sie dem Projekt eine neue Klasse hinzu, geben Sie SchoolContext für den Klassennamen ein.
- Ersetzen Sie den Inhalt der neuen Klasse durch den folgenden Code.
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema
Imports System.Data.Entity
Imports System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure
Imports System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.Conventions
Public Class SchoolContext
Inherits DbContext
Public Property OfficeAssignments() As DbSet(Of OfficeAssignment)
Public Property Instructors() As DbSet(Of Instructor)
Public Property Courses() As DbSet(Of Course)
Public Property Departments() As DbSet(Of Department)
Protected Overrides Sub OnModelCreating(ByVal modelBuilder As DbModelBuilder)
End Sub
End Class
Konfigurieren mit der Fluent-API
In diesem Abschnitt wird veranschaulicht, wie Sie die Fluent-APIs zum Konfigurieren von Typen zu Tabellenzuordnung, Eigenschaften zur Spaltenzuordnung und Beziehungen zwischen Tabellen\Typ in Ihrem Modell verwenden. Die Fluent-API wird über den DbModelBuilder-Typ verfügbar gemacht und wird am häufigsten aufgerufen, indem die OnModelCreating-Methode auf DbContext überschrieben wird.
- Kopieren Sie den folgenden Code, und fügen Sie ihn der OnModelCreating-Methode hinzu, die für die SchoolContext-Klasse definiert ist. Die Kommentare erläutern, was jede Zuordnung tut.
' Configure Code First to ignore PluralizingTableName convention
' If you keep this convention then the generated tables
' will have pluralized names.
modelBuilder.Conventions.Remove(Of PluralizingTableNameConvention)()
' Specifying that a Class is a Complex Type
' The model defined in this topic defines a type OnsiteCourseDetails.
' By convention, a type that has no primary key specified
' is treated as a complex type.
' There are some scenarios where Code First will not
' detect a complex type (for example, if you do have a property
' called ID, but you do not mean for it to be a primary key).
' In such cases, you would use the fluent API to
' explicitly specify that a type is a complex type.
modelBuilder.ComplexType(Of OnsiteCourseDetails)()
' Mapping a CLR Entity Type to a Specific Table in the Database.
' All properties of OfficeAssignment will be mapped
' to columns in a table called t_OfficeAssignment.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of OfficeAssignment)().ToTable("t_OfficeAssignment")
' Mapping the Table-Per-Hierarchy (TPH) Inheritance
' In the TPH mapping scenario, all types in an inheritance hierarchy
' are mapped to a single table.
' A discriminator column is used to identify the type of each row.
' When creating your model with Code First,
' TPH is the default strategy for the types that
' participate in the inheritance hierarchy.
' By default, the discriminator column is added
' to the table with the name “Discriminator”
' and the CLR type name of each type in the hierarchy
' is used for the discriminator values.
' You can modify the default behavior by using the fluent API.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Person)().
Map(Of Person)(Function(t) t.Requires("Type").
Map(Of Instructor)(Function(t) t.Requires("Type").
' Mapping the Table-Per-Type (TPT) Inheritance
' In the TPT mapping scenario, all types are mapped to individual tables.
' Properties that belong solely to a base type or derived type are stored
' in a table that maps to that type. Tables that map to derived types
' also store a foreign key that joins the derived table with the base table.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Course)().ToTable("Course")
modelBuilder.Entity(Of OnsiteCourse)().ToTable("OnsiteCourse")
modelBuilder.Entity(Of OnlineCourse)().ToTable("OnlineCourse")
' Configuring a Primary Key
' If your class defines a property whose name is “ID” or “Id”,
' or a class name followed by “ID” or “Id”,
' the Entity Framework treats this property as a primary key by convention.
' If your property name does not follow this pattern, use the HasKey method
' to configure the primary key for the entity.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of OfficeAssignment)().
HasKey(Function(t) t.InstructorID)
' Specifying the Maximum Length on a Property
' In the following example, the Name property
' should be no longer than 50 characters.
' If you make the value longer than 50 characters,
' you will get a DbEntityValidationException exception.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Department)().Property(Function(t) t.Name).
' Configuring the Property to be Required
' In the following example, the Name property is required.
' If you do not specify the Name,
' you will get a DbEntityValidationException exception.
' The database column used to store this property will be non-nullable.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Department)().Property(Function(t) t.Name).
' Switching off Identity for Numeric Primary Keys
' The following example sets the DepartmentID property to
' System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DatabaseGeneratedOption.None to indicate that
' the value will not be generated by the database.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Course)().Property(Function(t) t.CourseID).
'Specifying NOT to Map a CLR Property to a Column in the Database
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Department)().
Ignore(Function(t) t.Administrator)
'Mapping a CLR Property to a Specific Column in the Database
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Department)().Property(Function(t) t.Budget).
'Configuring the Data Type of a Database Column
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Department)().Property(Function(t) t.Name).
'Configuring Properties on a Complex Type
modelBuilder.Entity(Of OnsiteCourse)().Property(Function(t) t.Details.Days).
modelBuilder.Entity(Of OnsiteCourse)().Property(Function(t) t.Details.Location).
modelBuilder.Entity(Of OnsiteCourse)().Property(Function(t) t.Details.Time).
' Map one-to-zero or one relationship
' The OfficeAssignment has the InstructorID
' property that is a primary key and a foreign key.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of OfficeAssignment)().
HasRequired(Function(t) t.Instructor).
WithOptional(Function(t) t.OfficeAssignment)
' Configuring a Many-to-Many Relationship
' The following code configures a many-to-many relationship
' between the Course and Instructor types.
' In the following example, the default Code First conventions
' are used to create a join table.
' As a result the CourseInstructor table is created with
' Course_CourseID and Instructor_InstructorID columns.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Course)().
HasMany(Function(t) t.Instructors).
WithMany(Function(t) t.Courses)
' Configuring a Many-to-Many Relationship and specifying the names
' of the columns in the join table
' If you want to specify the join table name
' and the names of the columns in the table
' you need to do additional configuration by using the Map method.
' The following code generates the CourseInstructor
' table with CourseID and InstructorID columns.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Course)().
HasMany(Function(t) t.Instructors).
WithMany(Function(t) t.Courses).
End Sub)
' Configuring a foreign key name that does not follow the Code First convention
' The foreign key property on the Course class is called DepartmentID_FK
' since that does not follow Code First conventions you need to explicitly specify
' that you want DepartmentID_FK to be the foreign key.
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Course)().
HasRequired(Function(t) t.Department).
WithMany(Function(t) t.Courses).
HasForeignKey(Function(t) t.DepartmentID_FK)
' Enabling Cascade Delete
' By default, if a foreign key on the dependent entity is not nullable,
' then Code First sets cascade delete on the relationship.
' If a foreign key on the dependent entity is nullable,
' Code First does not set cascade delete on the relationship,
' and when the principal is deleted the foreign key will be set to null.
' The following code configures cascade delete on the relationship.
' You can also remove the cascade delete conventions by using:
' modelBuilder.Conventions.Remove<OneToManyCascadeDeleteConvention>()
' and modelBuilder.Conventions.Remove<ManyToManyCascadeDeleteConvention>().
modelBuilder.Entity(Of Course)().
HasRequired(Function(t) t.Department).
WithMany(Function(t) t.Courses).
HasForeignKey(Function(d) d.DepartmentID_FK).
Verwenden des Modells
Lassen Sie uns einige Datenzugriffe mithilfe von SchoolContext durchführen, um das Modell in Aktion zu sehen.
- Öffnen Sie die Datei „Module1.vb“, in der die Hauptfunktion definiert ist.
- Kopieren und Einfügen der folgenden Modul1-Definition
Imports System.Data.Entity
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Using context As New SchoolContext()
' Create and save a new Department.
Console.Write("Enter a name for a new Department: ")
Dim name = Console.ReadLine()
Dim department = New Department With { .Name = name, .StartDate = DateTime.Now }
' Display all Departments from the database ordered by name
Dim departments =
From d In context.Departments
Order By d.Name
Select d
Console.WriteLine("All Departments in the database:")
For Each department In departments
End Using
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...")
End Sub
End Module
Sie können die Anwendung jetzt ausführen und testen.
Enter a name for a new Department: Computing
All Departments in the database:
Press any key to exit...