Gewusst wie: Drehen eines Objekts mithilfe eines geometrischen Pfads (MatrixAnimation)
Dieses Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie MatrixAnimationUsingPath und MatrixTransform verwenden, um ein Objekt entlang eines durch ein PathGeometry-Objekt definierten geometrischen Pfades zu drehen (zu schwenken).
Das folgende Beispiel verwendet das MatrixAnimationUsingPath-Objekt, um die Matrix-Eigenschaft einer MatrixTransform zu animieren. Der MatrixTransform wird auf eine Schaltfläche angewendet und bewirkt, dass sie sich entlang eines gekrümmten Pfads bewegt. Da die DoesRotateWithTangent-Eigenschaft auf true
gesetzt ist, dreht sich das Rechteck entlang der Tangente des Pfades.
mc:Ignorable="PresentationOptions" Margin="20">
<Canvas Width="400" Height="400">
<!-- The Button that is animated across the screen by animating
the MatrixTransform applied to the button. -->
<Button MinWidth="100" Content="A Button">
<MatrixTransform x:Name="ButtonMatrixTransform">
<MatrixTransform.Matrix >
<Matrix />
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Button.Loaded">
RepeatBehavior="Forever" >
Figures="M 10,100 C 35,0 135,0 160,100 180,190 285,200 310,100"
PresentationOptions:Freeze="True" />
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace SDKSample
/// <summary>
/// Shows how to animate an object along
/// a geometric path.
/// </summary>
public class MatrixAnimationUsingPathDoesRotateWithTangentExample : Page
public MatrixAnimationUsingPathDoesRotateWithTangentExample()
this.Margin = new Thickness(20);
// Create a NameScope for the page so that
// we can use Storyboards.
NameScope.SetNameScope(this, new NameScope());
// Create a button.
Button aButton = new Button();
aButton.MinWidth = 100;
aButton.Content = "A Button";
// Create a MatrixTransform. This transform
// will be used to move the button.
MatrixTransform buttonMatrixTransform = new MatrixTransform();
aButton.RenderTransform = buttonMatrixTransform;
// Register the transform's name with the page
// so that it can be targeted by a Storyboard.
this.RegisterName("ButtonMatrixTransform", buttonMatrixTransform);
// Create a Canvas to contain the button
// and add it to the page.
// Although this example uses a Canvas,
// any type of panel will work.
Canvas mainPanel = new Canvas();
mainPanel.Width = 400;
mainPanel.Height = 400;
this.Content = mainPanel;
// Create the animation path.
PathGeometry animationPath = new PathGeometry();
PathFigure pFigure = new PathFigure();
pFigure.StartPoint = new Point(10, 100);
PolyBezierSegment pBezierSegment = new PolyBezierSegment();
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(35, 0));
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(135, 0));
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(160, 100));
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(180, 190));
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(285, 200));
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(new Point(310, 100));
// Freeze the PathGeometry for performance benefits.
// Create a MatrixAnimationUsingPath to move the
// button along the path by animating
// its MatrixTransform.
MatrixAnimationUsingPath matrixAnimation =
new MatrixAnimationUsingPath();
matrixAnimation.PathGeometry = animationPath;
matrixAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
matrixAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
// Set the animation's DoesRotateWithTangent property
// to true so that rotates the rectangle in addition
// to moving it.
matrixAnimation.DoesRotateWithTangent = true;
// Set the animation to target the Matrix property
// of the MatrixTransform named "ButtonMatrixTransform".
Storyboard.SetTargetName(matrixAnimation, "ButtonMatrixTransform");
new PropertyPath(MatrixTransform.MatrixProperty));
// Create a Storyboard to contain and apply the animation.
Storyboard pathAnimationStoryboard = new Storyboard();
// Start the storyboard when the button is loaded.
aButton.Loaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Start the storyboard.
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Media.Animation
Imports System.Windows.Navigation
Imports System.Windows.Shapes
Namespace SDKSample
''' <summary>
''' Shows how to animate an object along
''' a geometric path.
''' </summary>
Public Class MatrixAnimationUsingPathDoesRotateWithTangentExample
Inherits Page
Public Sub New()
Me.Margin = New Thickness(20)
' Create a NameScope for the page so that
' we can use Storyboards.
NameScope.SetNameScope(Me, New NameScope())
' Create a button.
Dim aButton As New Button()
aButton.MinWidth = 100
aButton.Content = "A Button"
' Create a MatrixTransform. This transform
' will be used to move the button.
Dim buttonMatrixTransform As New MatrixTransform()
aButton.RenderTransform = buttonMatrixTransform
' Register the transform's name with the page
' so that it can be targeted by a Storyboard.
Me.RegisterName("ButtonMatrixTransform", buttonMatrixTransform)
' Create a Canvas to contain the button
' and add it to the page.
' Although this example uses a Canvas,
' any type of panel will work.
Dim mainPanel As New Canvas()
mainPanel.Width = 400
mainPanel.Height = 400
Me.Content = mainPanel
' Create the animation path.
Dim animationPath As New PathGeometry()
Dim pFigure As New PathFigure()
pFigure.StartPoint = New Point(10, 100)
Dim pBezierSegment As New PolyBezierSegment()
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(35, 0))
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(135, 0))
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(160, 100))
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(180, 190))
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(285, 200))
pBezierSegment.Points.Add(New Point(310, 100))
' Freeze the PathGeometry for performance benefits.
' Create a MatrixAnimationUsingPath to move the
' button along the path by animating
' its MatrixTransform.
Dim matrixAnimation As New MatrixAnimationUsingPath()
matrixAnimation.PathGeometry = animationPath
matrixAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
matrixAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever
' Set the animation's DoesRotateWithTangent property
' to true so that rotates the rectangle in addition
' to moving it.
matrixAnimation.DoesRotateWithTangent = True
' Set the animation to target the Matrix property
' of the MatrixTransform named "ButtonMatrixTransform".
Storyboard.SetTargetName(matrixAnimation, "ButtonMatrixTransform")
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(matrixAnimation, New PropertyPath(MatrixTransform.MatrixProperty))
' Create a Storyboard to contain and apply the animation.
Dim pathAnimationStoryboard As New Storyboard()
' Start the storyboard when the button is loaded.
AddHandler aButton.Loaded, Sub(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) pathAnimationStoryboard.Begin(Me)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Das vollständige Beispiel finden Sie unter Beispiel für Pfadanimationen.
In der Codeversion des vorangegangenen Beispiels wurde Storyboard verwendet, um das EllipseGeometry zu animieren, obwohl nur eine Animation angewendet wurde. Eine einfachere Möglichkeit, eine einzelne Animation auf eine Eigenschaft im Code anzuwenden, ist die Verwendung der BeginAnimation-Methode. Ein Beispiel finden Sie unter Vorgehensweise: Animieren einer Eigenschaft ohne Storyboard.
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