TcpListener.AcceptTcpClient Methode
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Nimmt eine ausstehende Verbindungsanforderung an.
System::Net::Sockets::TcpClient ^ AcceptTcpClient();
public System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient AcceptTcpClient();
member this.AcceptTcpClient : unit -> System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
Public Function AcceptTcpClient () As TcpClient
Gibt zurück
Ein TcpClient zum Senden und Empfangen von Daten.
Der Listener wurde nicht mit einem Aufruf von Start() gestartet.
Mit der ErrorCode-Eigenschaft können Sie den spezifischen Fehlercode abrufen. Wenn Sie diesen Code abgerufen haben, finden Sie in der Dokumentation zu API-Fehlercodes unter Windows Sockets, Version 2, eine ausführliche Beschreibung des Fehlers.
Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird die AcceptTcpClient -Methode verwendet, um zurückzugeben TcpClient. Dies TcpClient wird für die Kommunikation mit dem neu verbundenen Client verwendet.
* This program shows how to use the TcpListener class.
* It creates a TcpListener that listens on the specified port (13000).
* To run this program at the command line you enter:
* cs_tcpserver
* Any TcpClient that wants to use this server
* has to explicitly connect to an address obtained by the combination of
* the server on which this TcpServer is running and the port 13000.
* This TcpServer simply echoes back the message sent by the TcpClient, after
* translating it into uppercase.
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Net;
using namespace System::Net::Sockets;
using namespace System::Text;
int main()
// Set the TcpListener on port 13000.
Int32 port = 13000;
TcpListener^ server = gcnew TcpListener(IPAddress::Any, port);
// Start listening for client requests.
// Buffer for reading data
array<Byte>^bytes = gcnew array<Byte>(256);
String^ data = nullptr;
// Enter the listening loop.
while ( true )
Console::Write( "Waiting for a connection... " );
// Perform a blocking call to accept requests.
// You could also use server.AcceptSocket() here.
TcpClient^ client = server->AcceptTcpClient();
Console::WriteLine( "Connected!" );
data = nullptr;
// Get a stream object for reading and writing
NetworkStream^ stream = client->GetStream();
Int32 i;
// Loop to receive all the data sent by the client.
while ( (i = stream->Read( bytes, 0, bytes->Length )) != 0 )
// Translate data bytes to a ASCII string.
data = System::Text::Encoding::ASCII->GetString( bytes, 0, i );
Console::WriteLine( String::Format( "Received: {0}", data ) );
// Process the data sent by the client.
data = data->ToUpper();
array<Byte>^msg = System::Text::Encoding::ASCII->GetBytes( data );
// Send back a response.
stream->Write( msg, 0, msg->Length );
Console::WriteLine( String::Format( "Sent: {0}", data ) );
// Shutdown and end connection
catch ( SocketException^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "SocketException: {0}", e );
Console::WriteLine( "\nHit enter to continue..." );
* The following sample is intended to demonstrate how to use a
* TcpListener for synchronous communcation with a TCP client
* It creates a TcpListener that listens on the specified port (13000).
* Any TCP client that wants to use this TcpListener has to explicitly connect
* to an address obtained by the combination of the server
* on which this TcpListener is running and the port 13000.
* This TcpListener simply echoes back the message sent by the client
* after translating it into uppercase.
* Refer to the related client in the TcpClient class.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
public class TcpListenerSample
static void Main(string[] args)
// set the TcpListener on port 13000
int port = 13000;
TcpListener server = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
// Start listening for client requests
// Buffer for reading data
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
string data;
//Enter the listening loop
while (true)
Console.Write("Waiting for a connection... ");
// Perform a blocking call to accept requests.
// You could also use server.AcceptSocket() here.
TcpClient client = server.AcceptTcpClient();
// Get a stream object for reading and writing
NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
int i;
// Loop to receive all the data sent by the client.
i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
while (i != 0)
// Translate data bytes to a ASCII string.
data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i);
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Received: {0}", data));
// Process the data sent by the client.
data = data.ToUpper();
byte[] msg = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
// Send back a response.
stream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length);
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Sent: {0}", data));
i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
// Shutdown and end connection
catch (SocketException e)
Console.WriteLine("SocketException: {0}", e);
Console.WriteLine("Hit enter to continue...");
' The following sample is intended to demonstrate how to use a
' TcpListener for synchronous communcation with a TCP client
' It creates a TcpListener that connects to the specified port (13000).
' Any TCP client that wants to use this TcpListener has to explicitly connect
' to an address obtained by the combination of the server
' on which this TcpListener is running and the port 13000.
' This TcpListener simply echoes back the message sent by the client
' after translating it into uppercase.
' Refer to the related client in the TcpClient class.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Class MyTcpListener
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Set the TcpListener on port 13000.
Dim port As Int32 = 13000
Dim server As New TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port)
' Start listening for client requests.
' Buffer for reading data
Dim bytes(1024) As [Byte]
Dim data As [String] = Nothing
' Enter the listening loop.
While True
Console.Write("Waiting for a connection... ")
' Perform a blocking call to accept requests.
' You could also use server.AcceptSocket() here.
Dim client As TcpClient = server.AcceptTcpClient()
data = Nothing
' Get a stream object for reading and writing
Dim stream As NetworkStream = client.GetStream()
Dim i As Int32
' Loop to receive all the data sent by the client.
i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
While (i <> 0)
' Translate data bytes to a ASCII string.
data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i)
Console.WriteLine([String].Format("Received: {0}", data))
' Process the data sent by the client.
data = data.ToUpper()
Dim msg As [Byte]() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data)
' Send back a response.
stream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length)
Console.WriteLine([String].Format("Sent: {0}", data))
i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
End While
' Shutdown and end connection
End While
Catch e As SocketException
Console.WriteLine("SocketException: {0}", e)
End Try
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "Hit enter to continue...")
End Sub
End Class
AcceptTcpClient ist eine blockierende Methode, die eine TcpClient zurückgibt, die Sie zum Senden und Empfangen von Daten verwenden können. Verwenden Sie die Pending -Methode, um zu ermitteln, ob Verbindungsanforderungen in der eingehenden Verbindungswarteschlange verfügbar sind, wenn Sie eine Blockierung vermeiden möchten.
Verwenden Sie die TcpClient.GetStream -Methode, um den zugrunde liegenden NetworkStream des zurückgegebenen TcpClientabzurufen. Bietet NetworkStream Ihnen Methoden zum Senden und Empfangen mit dem Remotehost. Wenn Sie mit durch TcpClientsind, müssen Sie die - Close Methode aufrufen. Wenn Sie mehr Flexibilität als ein TcpClient Angebot wünschen, sollten Sie die Verwendung von in AcceptSocketBetracht ziehen.
Dieser Member gibt Ablaufverfolgungsinformationen aus, wenn Sie die Netzwerkablaufverfolgung in der Anwendung aktivieren. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Netzwerkablaufverfolgung in .NET Framework.