
Freigeben über

Entity types used by Bing Entity Search API

This section contains the list possible entity hints. The hints are grouped by category of entities.

Base entity types

  • Generic
  • Person
  • Place
  • Media
  • Organization

Place base type entity hints

  • Attraction
  • City
  • Continent
  • Country
  • Hotel
  • House
  • LocalBusiness
  • Locality
  • MinorRegion
  • Neighborhood
  • Other
  • PointOfInterest
  • PostalCode
  • RadioStation
  • Region
  • Restaurant
  • State
  • StreetAddress
  • SubRegion
  • TouristAttraction
  • Travel

Media base type entity hints

  • Book
  • Movie
  • TelevisionSeason
  • TelevisionShow
  • VideoGame
  • Event
  • Actor
  • Artist
  • Attorney
  • CollegeOrUniversity
  • School
  • Speciality

Other entity hints

  • Animal
  • Car
  • Drug
  • Food
  • Product
  • SportsTeam