Abrufen des letzten wiederherstellbaren Zeitstempels für Konten für fortlaufende Sicherungen
In diesem Artikel wird beschrieben, wie Sie den letzten wiederherstellbaren Zeitstempel für Konten mit dem Modus für fortlaufende Sicherungen abrufen. Es wird erläutert, wie Sie den neuesten wiederherstellbaren Zeitpunkt mithilfe von Azure PowerShell und der Azure CLI abrufen und das Anforderungs- und Antwortformat für die PowerShell- und CLI-Befehle bereitstellen.
Dieses Feature wird für Azure Cosmos DB-API für NoSQL-Container, API für MongoDB, Tabellen-API und API für Gremlin-Graphen unterstützt.
Bei Schreibkonten mit mehreren Regionen wird der letzte wiederherstellbare Zeitstempel durch einen Konfliktlösungszeitstempel (crts
) bestimmt.
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerBackupInformation -AccountName <System.String> `
-DatabaseName <System.String> `
[-DefaultProfile <Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer>] `
-Location <System.String> `
-Name <System.String> `
-ResourceGroupName <System.String> [<CommonParameters>]
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerBackupInformation -ResourceGroupName "rg" `
-AccountName "sqlpitracc" `
-DatabaseName "db1" `
-Name "container1" `
-Location "eastus"
Beispielantwort (im UTC-Format):
10/26/2021 6:24:25 PM
Befehlszeilenschnittstelle (CLI)
az cosmosdb sql retrieve-latest-backup-time -g {resourcegroup} \
-a {accountname} \
-d {db_name} \
-c {container_name} \
-l {location}
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
az cosmosdb sql retrieve-latest-backup-time -g "rg" \
-a "sqlpitracc" \
-d "db1" \
-c "container1" \
-l "eastus"
Beispielantwort (im UTC-Format):
"continuousBackupInformation": {
"latestRestorableTimestamp": "10/26/2021 5:27:45 PM"
Verwenden Sie das folgende Skript, um den letzten wiederherstellbaren Zeitstempel für eine Datenbank abzurufen. Dieses Skript durchläuft alle Container in der angegebenen Datenbank und gibt das Minimum des letzten wiederherstellbaren Zeitstempels aller Container zurück.
Function Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlDatabase {
[Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $accountName,
[Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $databaseName,
[Parameter(Position = 3, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $location)
Write-Host "Latest restorable timestamp for a database is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying containers"
Write-Debug "Listing all containers in database: $databaseName"
$containers = Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $databaseName
If (-Not $containers) {
throw "Error: Found no containers to restore in the given database."
Write-Debug "Found $($containers.Length) containers under database $databaseName"
$latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase = [DateTime]::MaxValue
foreach ($container in $containers) {
Write-Debug "Getting latest restorable timestamp for container: $($container.Name)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForContainer = Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerBackupInformation -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $databaseName -Name $container.Name -Location $location
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for container $($container.Name): $($latestRestorableTimestampForContainer.LatestRestorableTimestamp)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime = [DateTime]$latestRestorableTimestampForContainer.LatestRestorableTimestamp
If ($latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime -lt $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase) {
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for container $($container.Name) is less than current database restorable timestamp: $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
$latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase = $latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for database so far: $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
if ($latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase -eq [DateTime]::MaxValue) {
throw "Error: Failed to retrieve latest backup timestamp for database: $databaseName"
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp in UTC for database $($databaseName): $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
return $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlDatabase `
-ResourceGroupName <resourceGroup> `
-AccountName <accountName> `
-DatabaseName <databaseName> `
-Location <location>
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
Import-Module .\LatestRestorableDatabaseForSqlDatabase.ps1
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlDatabase `
-ResourceGroupName rg `
-AccountName sqlpitracc `
-DatabaseName db1 `
-Location eastus
Beispielantwort (im UTC-Format):
Latest restorable timestamp for a database is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying containers
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 8:02:44 PM
Verwenden Sie das folgende Skript, um den letzten wiederherstellbaren Zeitstempel für ein SQL-Konto abzurufen. Dieses Skript durchläuft alle Container in diesem Konto und gibt das Minimum des letzten wiederherstellbaren Zeitstempels aller Container zurück.
Function Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlAccount {
[Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $accountName,
[Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $location)
Write-Host "Latest restorable timestamp for an account is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying containers"
Write-Debug "Listing all databases in account: $accountName"
$databases = Get-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName
Write-Debug "Found $($databases.Length) databases under account $accountName"
$latestRestorableTimestampForAccount = [DateTime]::MaxValue
foreach ($database in $databases) {
Write-Debug "Listing all containers in database: $($database.Name)"
$containers = Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $($database.Name)
If (-Not $containers) {
throw "Error: Found no containers to restore in the given database."
Write-Debug "Found $($containers.Length) containers under database $($database.Name)"
foreach ($container in $containers) {
Write-Debug "Getting latest restorable timestamp for container: $($container.Name)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForContainer = Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerBackupInformation -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $database.Name -Name $container.Name -Location $location
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for container $($container.Name): $($latestRestorableTimestampForContainer.LatestRestorableTimestamp)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime = [DateTime]$latestRestorableTimestampForContainer.LatestRestorableTimestamp
If ($latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime -lt $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount) {
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for container $($container.Name) is less than current database restorable timestamp: $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
$latestRestorableTimestampForAccount = $latestRestorableTimestampForContainerDateTime
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for database so far: $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
if ($latestRestorableTimestampForAccount -eq [DateTime]::MaxValue) {
throw "Error: Failed to retrieve latest backup timestamp for account: $accountName"
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp in UTC for account $($accountName): $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
return $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlAccount `
-ResourceGroupName <resourceGroupName> `
-AccountName <accountName> `
-Location <location>
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
Import-Module .\LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlAccount.ps1
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForSqlAccount `
-ResourceGroupName rg `
-AccountName sqlpitracc `
-location eastus
Beispielantwort (im UTC-Format):
Latest restorable timestamp for an account is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying containers
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 8:11:03 PM
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionBackupInformation `
-AccountName <System.String> `
-DatabaseName <System.String> `
[-DefaultProfile <Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer>] `
-Location <System.String> `
-Name <System.String> `
-ResourceGroupName <System.String> [<CommonParameters>]
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionBackupInformation `
-ResourceGroupName "rg" `
-AccountName "mongodbpitracc" `
-DatabaseName "db1" `
-Name "col1" `
-Location "eastus"
Beispielantwort (im UTC-Format):
10/26/2021 6:27:22 PM
Befehlszeilenschnittstelle (CLI)
az cosmosdb mongodb retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g {resourcegroup} \
-a {accountname} \
-d {db_name} \
-c {collection_name} \
-l {location}
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
az cosmosdb mongodb retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g "rg" \
-a "mongodbpitracc" \
-d "db1" \
-c "col1" \
-l "eastus"
"continuousBackupInformation": {
"latestRestorableTimestamp": "10/26/2021 5:27:45 PM"
Verwenden Sie das folgende Skript, um den letzten wiederherstellbaren Zeitstempel für eine Datenbank abzurufen. Dieses Skript durchläuft alle Sammlungen in dieser Datenbank und gibt das Minimum des letzten wiederherstellbaren Zeitstempels aller Sammlungen zurück.
Function Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBDatabase {
[Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $accountName,
[Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $databaseName,
[Parameter(Position = 3, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $location)
Write-Host "Latest restorable timestamp for a database is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying collections"
Write-Debug "Listing all collections in database: $databaseName"
$collections = Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $databaseName
If (-Not $collections) {
throw "Error: Found no collections to restore in the given database."
Write-Debug "Found $($collections.Length) collections under database $databaseName"
$latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase = [DateTime]::MaxValue
foreach ($collection in $collections) {
Write-Debug "Getting latest restorable timestamp for collection: $($collection.Name)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForCollection = Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionBackupInformation -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $databaseName -Name $collection.Name -Location $location
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for collection $($collection.Name): $($latestRestorableTimestampForCollection.LatestRestorableTimestamp)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime = [DateTime]$latestRestorableTimestampForCollection.LatestRestorableTimestamp
If ($latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime -lt $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase) {
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for collection $($collection.Name) is less than current database restorable timestamp: $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
$latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase = $latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for database so far: $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
if ($latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase -eq [DateTime]::MaxValue) {
throw "Error: Failed to retrieve latest backup timestamp for database: $databaseName"
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp in UTC for database $($databaseName): $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase"
return $latestRestorableTimestampForDatabase
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBDatabase `
-ResourceGroupName <resourceGroup> `
-AccountName <account> `
-DatabaseName <database> `
-Location <location>
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
Import-Module .\LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBDatabase.ps1
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBDatabase -ResourceGroupName rg -accountName mongopitracc -databaseName db1 -location eastus
Beispielantwort (im UTC-Format):
Latest restorable timestamp for a database is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying collections
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 8:31:27 PM
Sie können das folgende Skript verwenden, um den letzten wiederherstellbaren Zeitstempel für ein MongoDB-Konto abzurufen. Dieses Skript durchläuft alle Sammlungen in diesem Konto und gibt das Minimum des letzten wiederherstellbaren Zeitstempels aller Sammlungen zurück.
Function Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBAccount {
[Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $accountName,
[Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true)]
[string] $location)
Write-Host "Latest restorable timestamp for an account is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying collections"
Write-Debug "Listing all databases in account: $accountName"
$databases = Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName
Write-Debug "Found $($databases.Length) databases under account $accountName"
$latestRestorableTimestampForAccount = [DateTime]::MaxValue
foreach ($database in $databases) {
Write-Debug "Listing all collections in database: $($database.Name)"
$collections = Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $($database.Name)
If (-Not $collections) {
throw "Error: Found no collections to restore in the given database."
Write-Debug "Found $($collections.Length) collections under database $($database.Name)"
foreach ($collection in $collections) {
Write-Debug "Getting latest restorable timestamp for collection: $($collection.Name)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForCollection = Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionBackupInformation -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $accountName -DatabaseName $database.Name -Name $collection.Name -Location $location
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for collection $($collection.Name): $($latestRestorableTimestampForCollection.LatestRestorableTimestamp)"
$latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime = [DateTime]$latestRestorableTimestampForCollection.LatestRestorableTimestamp
If ($latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime -lt $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount) {
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for collection $($collection.Name) is less than current database restorable timestamp: $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
$latestRestorableTimestampForAccount = $latestRestorableTimestampForCollectionDateTime
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp for database so far: $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
if ($latestRestorableTimestampForAccount -eq [DateTime]::MaxValue) {
throw "Error: Failed to retrieve latest backup timestamp for account: $accountName"
Write-Debug "Latest Restorable Timestamp in UTC for account $($accountName): $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount"
return $latestRestorableTimestampForAccount
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBAccount `
-ResourceGroupName <resourceGroupName> `
-AccountName <accountName> `
-Location <location>
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
Import-Module .\LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBAccount.ps1
Get-LatestRestorableTimestampForMongoDBAccount `
-ResourceGroupName rg `
-AccountName mongopitracc `
-Location eastus
Beispielantwort (im UTC-Format):
Latest restorable timestamp for an account is minimum of restorable timestamps of all the underlying collections
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 8:33:49 PM
Informationen zur Gremlin-Graphsicherung
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphBackupInformation `
-AccountName <System.String> `
-GremlinDatabaseName <System.String> `
[-DefaultProfile <Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer>] `
-Location <System.String> `
-Name <System.String> `
-ResourceGroupName <System.String> [<CommonParameters>]
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphBackupInformation `
-ResourceGroupName "rg" `
-AccountName "amisigremlinpitracc1" `
-GremlinDatabaseName "db1" `
-Name "graph1" `
-Location "eastus"
Beispielantwort (im UTC-Format):
3/1/2022 2:19:14 AM
Befehlszeilenschnittstelle (CLI)
az cosmosdb gremlin retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g {resourcegroup} \
-a {accountname} \
-d {db_name} \
-c {graph_name} \
-l {location}
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
az cosmosdb gremlin retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g "rg" \
-a "amisigremlinpitracc1" \
-d "db1" \
-c "graph1" \
-l "eastus"
"continuousBackupInformation": {
"latestRestorableTimestamp": "3/2/2022 5:31:13 AM"
Get-AzCosmosDBTableBackupInformation `
-AccountName <System.String> `
[-DefaultProfile <Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer>] `
-Location <System.String> `
-Name <System.String> `
-ResourceGroupName <System.String> [<CommonParameters>]
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
Get-AzCosmosDBTableBackupInformation `
-ResourceGroupName "rg" `
-AccountName "amisitablepitracc1" `
-Name "table1" `
-Location "eastus"
Beispielantwort (im UTC-Format):
3/2/2022 2:19:15 AM
Befehlszeilenschnittstelle (CLI)
az cosmosdb table retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g {resourcegroup} \
-a {accountname} \
-c {table_name} \
-l {location}
Beispiel für eine Anforderung:
az cosmosdb table retrieve-latest-backup-time \
-g "rg" \
-a "amisitablepitracc1" \
-c "table1" \
-l "eastus"
"continuousBackupInformation": {
"latestRestorableTimestamp": "3/2/2022 5:33:47 AM"