Sharing Snippets with Your Team
Keyboard: CTRL + K, CTRL + B
Menu: Tools -> Code Snippets Manager
Command: Tools.CodeSnippetsManager
Versions: 2008,2010
Published: 8/19/2010
Code: vstipTool0075
I am a big fan of snippets! Sometimes you may want to share special snippets with your team for everyone to use. It's easy to do!
First, create a network directory that all the team members can read from and put all your special .SNIPPET files there.
Next, have each team member open the Code Snippets Manager (CTRL + K, CTRL + B):
Click the Add button and have them select the network directory you created earlier:
That's it! Now everyone can use the shared snippets.
If you don't want to have everyone doing this manually, you can do these steps yourself and export just your Code Snippet Locations:
Then have everyone import the .vssettings file you created to get the shared location. For more information on exporting see vstipEnv0021 (