Hide the Vertical and/or Horizontal Scroll Bars
Menu: Tools –> Options –> Text Editor –> General –> Display
Versions: 2008,2010
Published: 5/23/2010
Code: vstipEdit0058
This is another one that falls into the “Not Sure Why It’s There” Category. Unless you are hurting for real estate on the screen there isn’t any reason I can think of to do this but wanted to throw it in for completeness.
You can go to Tools –> Options –> Text Editor –> General –> Display and deselect the “Vertical scroll bar” and/or “Horizontal scroll bar” to make the scroll bars go away.
August 15, 2010
I need more "real estate", this tip, combined with the status bar trick gives me back about two lines of code.Anonymous
August 16, 2010
@richm Full Screen Mode (SHIFT + ALT + ENTER) is the way to go or, for dual screens, rip off one of the code windows and maximize it on one of your screens. ZAnonymous
December 10, 2010
Is there a way to only hide the horizontal scroll bar when it's unneeded?Anonymous
December 11, 2010
Hey Ryan :) Just uncheck the horizontal scrool bar checkbox and it will be hidden.Anonymous
December 14, 2010
@zainnab Yes, but unfortunately if I uncheck it, the scrollbar remains hidden when I open a document that actually needs it. I wish there was an "auto-hide" option.Anonymous
January 12, 2011
Good point. Sadly there isn't an option to hide until needed that I am aware of... ZAnonymous
July 06, 2011
Actually, I was wanting to hide the scroll bar that I inserted into a web page I was creating. It adds both a Horizontal and a Vertical bar, I only want it to display the Vertical bar? Any idea's?