Enable Debugging in Web.Config
Versions: 2008,2010
Published: 12/14/2010
Code: vstipProj0026
If you have ever created a web project in Visual Studio then you have undoubtedly encountered this dialog:
A quick read tells you that it will modify the Web.config file to enable debugging:
There are a couple of things to point out here:
1. You can avoid the dialog by editing your Web.config file manually and setting debug to true.
2. There is a dialog to have you turn on debugging but there is NOT one to have you turn it off again before you deploy to production.
December 15, 2010
We don't necessarily need to remember to turn off "Debug" because VS 2010 has transforms that help modify the web.config file when you deploy.Anonymous
December 17, 2010
True but isn't it still considered a best practice to turn it off in the main config file just in case you miss it in one of the transforms?