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Two cool gaming sites you should check out!

In the midst of PAX-prep, I "met" two delightful members of the community who interviewed me for their websites. I was very impressed with both their content and professionalism and wanted to give them a shout-out.

Check out Capsule Computers. You'll find my pal Phil from Sydney, Australia on Xbox LIVE as MasterAbbott and Twitter @MasterAbbott.

Capsule Computers : What are some of the highlights of working at Xbox Live ?

Trixie : Big highlights have been launching Xbox LIVE back in 2002, covering Zero Hour (the launch of Xbox 360 in a warehouse in the Mojave Desert), Xbox LIVE’s five year anniversary, the NXE launch, travelling all over the world... Read the whole interview...  

Check out Just Another Game Site. You'll find my BFF Bryan from Denver, Colorado on Xbox LIVE as eleventeen and Twitter @bryanmash

JAGS: Although I know you have much love for RockBand, Scene It! and Zuma – what’s a game that you expected to not like that really surprised you recently?

TriXie: On Xbox 360, I was surprised at how fun Grand Theft Auto IV was. I’d avoided the series before because… well, it looked violent and offensive. Turns out I wasn’t offended. Read the whole interview...

We have an awesome community! Thanks to cool people like MasterAbbott and eleventeen!