That Was The Week That Was 6/8-6/12
TW3 was on hiatus last week due to the monster announcements made at E3. In fact, if you still haven't downloaded every video and seen all the cool stuff, take some time out this weekend to explore the wonders of E3 2009. And you might have heard a little something about Project Natal. Check out all the new videos we have on the topic.
- Through the weekend, the Gears of War 2 Combustible Map Pack is only 560 points, a 30% savings.
Bonzai Map from Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 2
- Love Call of Duty: World at War? We have a Map Pack 2 LIVE Week devoted to the game, where you can enter a sweepstakes where the grand prize is a 46-inch HDTV and home theater system, and on June 13, you can play BOTH the developers Treyarch and the band Taking Back Sunday.
- ANNNNNDD, there's also the new Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 2 out this week. Ryan Treit provides details.
- New events coming up include a chance to Game with Developers of the smash hit Guitar Hero Smash Hits on June 19, a special morning edition Game with Fame with the great band Dream Theater on June 20, and a Game with Fame with rap artist Asher Roth on June 22,
- Our Gamer Spotlight shines on kroberts11, who teaches us how to make awesome poutine.
- This week, as the madness of E3 has slowed down, we still posted some interesting game information on G.I. JOE The Rise of Cobra , Magnacarta 2 , Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes , BCFx (Black College Football Experience): The Doug Williams Edition , Dark Void , and Front Mission: Evolved.
- Anonymous
June 12, 2009
Call of Duty 4 Is Going To Break My Brain! E3 rocks. Thanks for all the great links.