That Was The Week That Was 6/15-6/19
Mucho goodness on this week. Hope you survived the maintenance period of July 16 with good grace and are now back in the gaming harness. Check these items out this weekend:
- Through the weekend, the Deal of the Week is Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage is only 560 points, 30% off.
- Ready for Saturday? Want to play Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers against some of the best Magic players ever, INCLUDING the creator of the game Richard Garfield? Check out the Game with Fame starting at 2 PM ET. Friday June 26, we have a Game with Fame with Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park playing Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and Wednesday, July 1, sports a Game with Fame with legendary metal band Twisted Sister! Show them you're not gonna take it any more!
- If you pre-order Halo 3: ODST, you'll be able to unlock a special character, Sgt. Johnson, for use in Firefight mode.
- More and more new games are coming to Xbox. It's not a secret any longer, The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition is coming to Xbox LIVE Arcade, and so is Worms 2: Armageddon , and Garou: Mark of the Wolves . The episodic Sam & Max Save The World is already available. We also have info on TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen, and SpongeBob's Truth or Square .
June 19, 2009
I liked that new Linkin Park Song! Pretty Nice!Anonymous
June 21, 2009
560 pts for Operation: Anchorage is a steal!