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Gamer Spotlight: Zoom Demon

Meet Zoom Demon , the co-organizer of the Halo 3 Fight Like a Girl Tournament which provides money for breast and cervical cancer research. Sign up and put your love for gaming to a good cause!

KP: What’s the story behind your Gamertag?
Zoom Demon: It’s from a 23-minute long Smashing Pumpkins song that was split into many sections. I chose two sections and put them together to create Zoom Demon. I’m a huge Pumpkins fan.

zoom demon Zoom Demon.

KP: Where do you live?
Zoom Demon: Fresno, California.

KP: What do you do for work/school?
Zoom Demon: I am a billing technician/oversight for a mental health clinic. Basically, I deal with money and keep an eye on people.

KP: There’s a mad money joke in there somewhere. What’s the worst or weirdest job you’ve ever had?
Zoom Demon: Worst job has to be a courtesy clerk for a local grocery store. Fetching carts while fully dressed in black slacks, dress shoes, dress shirt, and a bright red apron in 100+ degree weather was a nightmare.

KP: How long have you been on Xbox LIVE?
Zoom Demon: Since Halo 2 was released, November 2004.

KP: Do you have an archenemy on Xbox LIVE, and if so, who?
Zoom Demon: Yes, I do. Her name is RaHikaru .

KP: Sounds menacing. What’s your Xbox setup like? Big screen TV?
Zoom Demon: I wish! I have a 27-inch tube TV with default speakers. I’m accepting any HDTV donations.

KP: Sorry, gave all of mine to the Salvation Army. What’s the best feature of Xbox LIVE?
Zoom Demon: Other than the obvious multiplayer, I would say parties. It’s nice to be able to chat with friends even though we might be playing separate games.

KP: What is your favorite multiplayer Xbox game?
Zoom Demon: Halo 3! So many options, so many good times.

ilmrockband09[1] 1, 2, 3, 4 …

KP: What is your favorite single-player Xbox game?
Zoom Demon: Rock Band. Even though it’s multiplayer-focused, I love to play drums, even when no one else is around to play.

KP: What do you think is the best game of all time?
Zoom Demon: Halo: Combat Evolved. I may be a little biased.

KP: Biased towards TRUTH. What do you think is the best film of all time?
Zoom Demon: That is an impossible question to answer. I’ll just tell you the best film I’ve seen this year: UP.

KP: I saw it in 3-D, no big deal. What do you think is the best album of all time?
Zoom Demon: Siamese Dream by Smashing Pumpkins.

KP: Rock Band or Guitar Hero?
Zoom Demon: I love them both equally. I do favor Rock Band if I am playing drums, and Guitar Hero if I am playing the guitar.

KP: What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard on Xbox LIVE?
Zoom Demon: Hearing “Wooooowwwww ….” from the hardcore Halo players. It is pretty amusing.

KP: What is your greatest Xbox LIVE moment?
Zoom Demon: I am the co-organizer of the Fight Like A Girl Halo charity tournament. Every October for the past 4 years, gamers have come together to help raise money for breast and cervical cancer research. My greatest moment is organizing and running FLAG year after year.

KP: Funny you should mention that; we just so happen to have a page about FLAG. What’s your favorite TV show?
Zoom Demon: The Amazing Race. I really want to be a racer!

KP: Must be at least this amazing to apply. Who is your inner rock star?
Zoom Demon: Melissa Auf der Maur. She is cool, laid back, and multi-talented.

KP: What’s your karaoke song?
Zoom Demon: “Sex on Fire” by Kings of Leon.

KP: Favorite cartoon character?
Zoom Demon: Bugs Bunny.

KP: What superpower would you like to have?
Zoom Demon: I would like the ability to fly so I go anywhere, anytime, for free.

KP: If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be?
Zoom Demon: The President.

KP: What celebrity would be the worst roommate?
Zoom Demon: Britney Spears.

KP: How many people are on your Friends List?
Zoom Demon: Always at 100.

KP: Ms. Popular. Who’s your favorite superhero?
Zoom Demon: Spider-Man.

KP: 90s cartoon show Spider-Man was the best. If they made a movie about your life, who should play you?
Zoom Demon: Jennifer Connelly.

ilmsmfof02[1] Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man in action.

KP: Hot celeb you’d like to be stranded on a desert island with?
Zoom Demon: Johnny Depp.

KP: If you could be any video game character, who would it be?
Zoom Demon: Master Chief!

KP: Hopefully you skip the painful genetic alterations. What’s the worst food you’ve ever eaten?
Zoom Demon: Sushi. How do you people eat that stuff?

KP: Chopsticks. What’s the first video game you ever played?
Zoom Demon: I’m not entirely sure. I think PAC-MAN or Galaga in an arcade.

KP: What’s the last book you read?
Zoom Demon: Relic by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Picked it up at a used book store, not bad.

KP: If you could go on tour with any band, which would it be?
Zoom Demon: Smashing Pumpkins. I practically do already.

KP: That’s pretty cool. What do you predict will be the “next big thing” in gaming?
Zoom Demon: Mind reading. It might be a few decades off, but I know it’s coming!

KP: We know you know it’s coming … the prototypes told us. What do you think is the best thing about Xbox 360?
Zoom Demon: Achievements. I’m not going to lie, I enjoy hearing the achievement unlocked sound. I’m always checking to see which achievements I need to get. A game doesn’t feel complete if there are still achievements to obtain.

KP: What is the Xbox 360 achievement that was hardest to get?
Zoom Demon: Completing all of the Veteran achievements for Call of Duty 2. There were many angry moments.

KP: We don’t speak of that title in my household. Too many broken controllers. What would you like to be doing in ten years?
Zoom Demon: Hopefully owning my own business/non-profit. My back-up plan is to work in the entertainment industry where I get to travel around the world on business.

Interview by KP


  • Anonymous
    October 07, 2009
    Intresting conversment. Although I find some of it a little strange... And the fact I was searching for info on a target of mine, I would call myself a Mercenary in Halo 3, I came across this conversation, very amusing.

  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2009
    Cool read, glad to know there are gamers out there that look out for the community and good of others. Good luck with the tournaments.

  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2009
    yeah! its good to see gamers from the ''NO'' getting reconized do your thing girl. ha ha ha town bizznezz

  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2009
    Zoom Demon I like they way you try to get recognized as a true Girl gamer on xbox live. you seen to have realy good game EXP and i would like you to join my Halo 3 Team. Me and my fellow Friends are Pro players apart of MLG (Major League Gaming). You can find us online all the time. Message us or chat with us were on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and Xbox Live of course! -ChaosDarkKing

  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2009
    I love your commitment to a great cause, my wife does a lot of work with Relay For Life so I can fully understand and respect your time and energy. Keep up the hope for a cure.

  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2009
    Good luck with the tournaments. Its nice to see a Girl Gamer like you.

  • Anonymous
    October 27, 2009
    The comment has been removed