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Gamer Spotlight: Trixie interviews ThrallMind

He’s a Georgia gamer, a frequent tweeter (@thrallmind) and reviews potato chips on Get to know ThrallMind!

trixie360: What's the story behind your gamertag?

ThrallMind: When Xbox LIVE came around and I had to chose a screen name, I began thinking of what would suit me. My friends always said I had an uncanny ability to get people to do the things I want, so I ended up taking the word Thrall, since it is apparently defined as “a person who is mentally ruled by some power, influence, or the like,“ and tacked the word Mind onto the end. Essentially, The mind behind Thralls, or “He who controls others” :P


trixie360: Where do you live?

ThrallMind: Alpharetta, Georgia.

trixie360: What do you do for a living?

ThrallMind: I write the software which goes into credit card terminals. Sounds exciting, right?

trixie360: Hacking it sounds more exciting. What's the worst or weirdest job you've ever had?

ThrallMind: Working at Hallmark as a "Sales Associate." We had a lot of strange customers, one of which who would come in and whisper to himself. If any of you get me a Christmas card, make sure it's not from Hallmark...

trixie360: How long have you been on Xbox LIVE?

ThrallMind: At least 4 years!

trixie360: Do you have an arch enemy on Xbox LIVE?

ThrallMind: I have destroyed all my arch enemies! Muahahah!

trixie360: What's your Xbox set-up like?

ThrallMind: A nice-sized flat screen TV, hooked up to two Xbox 360's for side by side play! And look, a picture!


trixie360: What's the best feature of Xbox LIVE?

ThrallMind: Co-op on any game which supports it! I love being able to game alongside my friends.

trixie360: What is your favorite multiplayer Xbox game?

ThrallMind: Left 4 Dead . I love killing zombies. And I love how you must work together with your teammates.

trixie360: What is your favorite single player Xbox game?

ThrallMind: Phantom Dust. It was such an awesome game, and I believe it was overlooked.

trixie360: What do you think is the best game of all time?

ThrallMind: Hmm, that's a hard one. It's either Psychonauts or Perfect Dark from the 64. I can't wait for Perfect Dark on XBLA!

trixie360: What do you think is the best film of all time?

ThrallMind: That's another difficult one. It would either be Equilibrium, or V for Vendetta. Both have great stories with some awesome action scenes. But, since I have to choose, Equilibrium.

trixie360: What do you think is the best album of all time?

ThrallMind: I'm the Supervisor, by Infected Mushroom

trixie360: Rock Band or Guitar Hero?

ThrallMind: Rock Band . No contest. I enjoy the variety of all the various instruments. That, and the drums rock.

trixie360: What's the funniest thing you've ever heard on Xbox LIVE?

ThrallMind: When a few of my friends and I played Horde Mode on Gears of War 2 . All the various comments flung around while trying to complete each wave. Good times. :)

trixie360: What is your greatest Xbox LIVE moment?

ThrallMind: Again, Gears of War 2. We were in Horde Mode, and all my teammates had fallen. By some miracle, I managed to complete the wave alone so we could advance to the next one. I will never be able to do that again.

trixie360: What's your favorite TV show?

ThrallMind: It would be Dexter, hands down. I've gotten many people addicted to watching it.

trixie360: It IS a great show! Who is your inner rock star?

ThrallMind: According to this quiz. I'm Josh Dies. Whoever that is.

trixie360: *shrugs* Maybe his mom writes quizzes for quizfarm. If they made a movie about your life, who should play you?

ThrallMind: Johnny Depp. He's the only one cool enough to be able to portray my awesomeness.

trixie360: What's your karaoke song?

ThrallMind: Me? Sing? HA!

trixie360: Ooookay then: Favorite cartoon character?

ThrallMind: GIR, from Invader Zim!

trixie360: What super power would you like to have?

ThrallMind: Telepathy!

trixie360: If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be?

ThrallMind: Bill Gates. Then I can create a Swiss bank account in my name, and siphon all his money into it!

trixie360: Original. What celebrity would be the worst roommate?

ThrallMind: Paris Hilton.

trixie360: True dat. How many people are on your Friends List?

ThrallMind: 61.

trixie360: Who's your favorite Superhero?

ThrallMind: You keep causing me to make choices! Hmm...Gambit. Definitely Gambit.

trixie360: Hot celeb you'd like to be stranded on a desert island with?

ThrallMind: The Human Torch! Then he could fly us off the island. Superheroes are celebs, right?

trixie360: Actually they’re imaginary, but okay. If you could be any video game character, who would it be?

ThrallMind: The Protagonist, from Phantom Dust :D

trixie360: What's the worst food you've ever eaten?

ThrallMind: Anything with liver in it. Blech.

trixie360: What's the first video game you every played?

ThrallMind: Frogger. On an Atari at my cousins house. I still have the cartridge. Just no Atari. *sadface*

trixie360: What's the last book you read?

ThrallMind: The Lost Symbol.

trixie360: HATED it. If you could go on tour with any band, which would it be?

ThrallMind: Infected Mushroom!

trixie360: What do you predict will be the 'next big thing' in gaming?

ThrallMind: True, 3D virtual reality games. Throw on special glasses with headphones, and actually feel like you are in the game. At the consumer level. With games that not only support it, but take advantage of it. I'm looking forward very much to Natal.

trixie360: What do you think is the best thing about the Xbox 360?

ThrallMind: The games! There is such a huge selection to choose from, anyone could find something they love. Heck, my dad just bought an Elite and has been hitting Silent Hill pretty hard.

trixie360: What is the Xbox 360 Achievement that was hardest to get?

ThrallMind: It was on Resident Evil 5 , and it was where you faced this giant zombie-abomination...The NDESU! That's what he's called. On Veteran, it took...a few hours, and a lot of frustration.

trixie360: What would you like to be doing in ten years?

ThrallMind: Hopefully working at, or owning my own game design studio!


  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2009
    Yeah, Left 4 Dead! Love that game!

  • Anonymous
    October 29, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2009
    YES YES YES!!!! FINALLY!!! someone has some movie sense! dude I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE V for Vendetta AND Equilibrium!!! I love V so much I've almost completely got his whole speech at the start perfectly memorised! "People should not fear their government, a government should fear its people" -one of the many iconic lines in V for Vendetta

  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2009
    That NDESU is still on the top of my "Killed Most By" list. Hated that thing on Professional.

  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2009
    I see that you have Halo Waypoint. How do I get that? ;)

  • Anonymous
    November 05, 2009
    Hi I'm Laura my gt is girlzxrule009 add me ;)

  • Anonymous
    November 05, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 05, 2009
    i think trixie totally put u down for that question about the celebrity. in fantastic 4, he was a celebrity. but still, imaginary. u shouldve picked Pamela Anderson. that wouldve been interesting. oh, and nice setup. my desk looks like a cross between a pile of old xbox parts, computers, and monitors. with a little green Power light in the middle :D good organization. u get a cookie.