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Gamer Spotlight: CHEESY BIG MAC

His Gamertag was inspired by a particularly thought-provoking session of Saints Row. Huh? Say hello to CHEESY BIG MAC.

trixie360: What’s the story behind your Gamertag?
CHEESY BIG MAC: My Gamertag comes from an inside joke with a friend of mine who was playing Saints Row. He told me to change my Gamertag from ALegitSnyper to CHEESY BIG MAC.

cheesybigmacCHEESY BIG MAC.

trixie360: Upgrade. Where do you live?
CHEESY BIG MAC: I live in New Orleans, LA.

trixie360: What do you do for work/school?
CHEESY BIG MAC: I currently do not have a job or go to school.

trixie360: They’re both overrated anyways. What’s the worst or weirdest job you’ve ever had?
CHEESY BIG MAC: I don’t think I have ever had a “weird” job, just a lot of random part-time jobs.

trixie360: How long have you been on Xbox LIVE?
CHEESY BIG MAC: I have been a hardcore Xbox LIVE gamer since the old days on the original Xbox, when everyone played Halo 2.

trixie360: Those were the days, when dual-wielding was king. Do you have an archenemy on Xbox LIVE, and if so, who?
CHEESY BIG MAC: I do not have an archenemy on Xbox LIVE. I just become everyone’s nemesis on a good day.

trixie360: What’s your Xbox setup like? Big screen TV? Dolby sound?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Dolby sound (stereo though, not surround).

trixie360: What’s the best feature of Xbox LIVE?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Unlimited online gaming with my friends.

trixie360: What is your favorite multiplayer Xbox game?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Gears of War 2.

ilmsaintsrow007[1] Careful playing this game; it might change your Gamertag.

trixie360: What is your favorite single player Xbox game?

trixie360: What do you think is the best game of all time?
CHEESY BIG MAC: The ENTIRE Command & Conquer series.

trixie360: What do you think is the best film of all time?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

trixie360: What do you think is the best album of all time?
CHEESY BIG MAC: The Impossibility of Reason by Chimaira.

trixie360: Rock Band or Guitar Hero?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Guitar Hero.

trixie360: What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard on Xbox LIVE?
CHEESY BIG MAC: “Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!”

trixie360: Ohhhkay. What is your greatest Xbox LIVE moment?
CHEESY BIG MAC: My first night on XBox LIVE, playing a Rumble Pit game on Halo 2. Never played online before in my life and I won!

trixie360: What’s your favorite TV show?

trixie360: Who is your inner rock star?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Jimi Hendrix.

trixie360: If they made a movie about your life, who should play you?
CHEESY BIG MAC: I should play me!

trixie360: What’s your karaoke song?
CHEESY BIG MAC: I don’t have one, not too big on karaoke. I just sing out loud at home when no one is around to hear.

ilmMeganFoxPromo[1] She might be his favorite celeb; we just wanted a reason to run her photo again.

trixie360: Favorite cartoon character?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Yakko Warner.

trixie360: What superpower would you like to have?
CHEESY BIG MAC: To be able to fly or teleport.

trixie360: If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Bill Gates, because I would love to send a good chunk of his money into my own checking account.

trixie360: What celebrity would be the worst roommate?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Robert Downey, Jr. I hear he isn’t a nice guy in person, and no one wants a roommate like that.

trixie360: How many people are on your Friends List?

trixie360: Who’s your favorite superhero?

trixie360: Hot celeb you’d like to be stranded on a desert island with?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Megan Fox. Who wouldn’t want to be, right?

trixie360: If you could be any video game character, who would it be?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Damon Baird from Gears of War. We seem to have a similar personality.

trixie360: What’s the worst food you’ve ever eaten?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Sushi. I don’t like the idea of raw food in my mouth, don’t like the texture, or any of the types of sushi.

trixie360: What’s the first video game you ever played?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Twisted Metal 2.

trixie360: What’s the last book you read?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code. I actually believe what they say in the book is true.

trixie360: If you could go on tour with any band, which would it be?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Chimaira. These guys are my absolute favorite band. I know every word to every song they have written thus far. And my avatar looks almost JUST like their lead singer, who is my idol.

trixie360: What do you predict will be the “next big thing” in gaming?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Virtual reality. It would be nice to actually move and control characters in the games without flaws. What we do is what they do.

trixie360: What do you think is the best thing about Xbox 360?
CHEESY BIG MAC: The best think about Xbox 360 is the competitive online game play. Each game presents a different challenge, and no game is easy to master when it comes to online multiplayer gaming.

trixie360: What is the Xbox 360 Achievement that was hardest to get?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Freedom Shall Prevail from Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

trixie360: What would you like to be doing in ten years?
CHEESY BIG MAC: Serving in the United States Coast Guard.

Interview by TriXie


  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2009
    hi its itw98 gold mamber. good life hopet for all xbox profils or akons (gamer skor 1700 thats my gamer skore) so hi all rev it up.

  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2009
    Yawn...Worst. Gamer Spotlight. Ever.

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2009
    Im GutlessBooch wanna play cod 4/waw together friend request me!

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2009
    Dude, Chimaira is great... but your avatar looks nothing like Mark Hunter. LOL. But I dont think anything could be done to really look like him. Still nice choice in music.

  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2009
    I agree with John. This is by far the worest i've ever read. Oh yeah, ask some new questions!

  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2009
    yo u want a real challenge in world at war send me an invite.