Family Games Night chez Trixie
It's actually been more like Family Games Week. My husband is home on leave for the week (He's a US Marine stationed in North Carolina) and we've been playing TONS of Xbox 360 games. First up, he beat the Hannah Montana game, which is surprisingly fun and makes for easy Gamerscore. In the game you get to: sing, dance, play drums and guitar, ride horses, decorate your tour bus and SHOP. There's even an acheivement for buying 100 articles of clothing! And hey, if a Devil Dog isn't embarrassed to have Hannah on his Recently Played list, you shouldn't be either.
Next up: Trivial Pursuit. LOVE the avatar integration on this one. We played boys vs girls. My son and husband were ahead by 5 wedges to 2, when my daughter and I came from behind to make the score six-six. The boys JUST BARELY answered the center question for a win. (They suck at Art & Literature questions). Again, Gamerscore wins for everyone playing.
Last night, it was LIPS. Let's just say some of us can sing, and others simply have a lot of enthusiasm. We downloaded new songs, we passed the mics back and forth, we sang until suddenly it was almost 11pm on a school night! D'oh! But the Gamerscore boost and the fun we had (plus the incriminating video of the boys singing "Hungry Like the Wolf" was well worth it.
April 22, 2009
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April 23, 2009
Sounds like you guys had a blast!Anonymous
April 27, 2009
I deny all knowledge of this event. That is not me. YOU DONT KNOW ME.Anonymous
April 27, 2009
And now... WITH AN ACCOUNT! (never you mind, anyone who has no idea what is going on...)