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The Learning Roadmap for Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is live!

In this WSUAN blog post, Dave Bishop and I presented a prototype for a new content type known as a learning roadmap. This content type guides novice or new-to-technology IT Pros through the prerequisite knowledge and the body of published content for a specific technology or end-to-end scenario using the 100 (introductory)/200 (intermediate)/300 (advanced) level system used by many colleges.

I am happy to report that Dave has published the Learning Roadmap for Windows Firewall with Advanced Security as part of the library of content for Windows Firewall with Advanced Security and IPsec.

Please tell us what you think. There are three ways that you can give us feedback:

· The TechNet Click to Rate and Give Feedback box on the Learning Roadmap topic

· The email feedback at the end of the Learning Roadmap topic

· Leave a comment on this blog post

Dave and I look forward to hearing from you and using this topic as an example to create more learning roadmaps for other networking technologies and end-to-end scenarios.

Joe Davies
Principal Technical Writer
The Windows Server Networking Documentation Team