Ranger Flash – November 2014 … a very brief flash!
You can find the latest flight plan snapshot at aka.ms/vsarFlightPlan latest newsTeam Foundation Server Word Add-in goes OSS as a “sample” allowing the community to use it in their own ways. Anisha Pindoria introduced the Channel 9 series with two block busters (first, second), containing great interviews with ALM Rangers at the MVP Summit. solutions that shipped since July 1, 2014As we are entering the usually quiet December month, we can list the other solution releases in FY15 to date:
what’s imminent?As shown on the flight plan, the following projects landed and waiting on PO approval for release:
welcome our new associate rangersThe following Associate ALM Ranger who has joined us : Danijel Malik, Donovan Brown, Doug Owens and Stephen Olner. Welcome and enjoy the adventure! interesting reads
willy’s cave
As at 2014.12.01:
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