Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – João Paulo Rodrigues
This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. SeeRanger Index (Who is Who?)for more details.
My name is João Paulo Rodrigues.
I’ve been working for Microsoft Portugal in MCS as a Consultant since 2000.
I was assign to several local big projects:
- Multi-Channel frameworks for several financial institutions
- Identity management solutions
- Services framework for the largest IPTV provider in Portugal
- …
What makes you “tick”?
In every project I was involved (since they were generally core mission critical business applications) the need to achieve high quality outputs was a must.
I did always tried to use the technology available to automate/register process/methods to achieve it: first, simple scripts to build and install solution… Then, when TFS was launched, achieving a more integrated application life cycle management.
Actually, in the Services framework for the largest IPTV provider project, I spent most of my time ensuring that the software factory is running as expected:
- Performing code reviews
- To educate a constantly changing team from the client
- To ensure the artifacts are produced with the expected quality
- Ensuring that automated test is performed
- Automating as possible the deployment process to minimize manual errors
- …
Basically, ensuring that the continuous integration process is a work in progress and evolving!
Many of the processes I’ve implemented so far were inspired by IP generated by the Rangers: branching strategies, ….
Where you live?
I live in the beautiful city of Lisbon in Portugal.
I’m married and have an eight year old daughter.
Why are you active in the Rangers program?
TBD … come back later.
What is the best Rangers project you worked in and why?
TBD … come back later.