¿Habla Español? … Testing Unitario con Microsoft® Fakes v1.2
Juan Maria does it again by updating the localised Testing Unitario con Microsoft® Fakes v1.1 guide and releasing v1.2 - Better Unit Testing with MS Fakes (Spanish).
English –> |
Español –> |
Explore Juan’s blog: https://speakingin.net!
July 15, 2014
Gracias Juan ! MikeAnonymous
July 16, 2014
Awesome! By "Juan Maria does it again" do you mean that there are other materials translated into Spanish? I am learning Spanish (www.duolingo.com/B.ClayShan) but am not particularly interested in MS Fakes; some other technology might really strike my fancy, though - if anybody reading this knows of material in Spanish on other technologies, please email me at bclayshannon at att dot netAnonymous
July 07, 2016
Juan: You made an extraordinary work. Thank you very much!