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Ben Roscorla joins the ALM Rangers Ruck Masters … Ruck?

Congratulations to Ben Roscorla who joined the list of Scrum/Ruck Masters on Index of ALM Rangers. Well done and welcome!


how does one become a ruck master?

if ( ( you == ALM_Ranger ) && ( you == Certified_Scrum_Master ) )
Shadow_Another_Ruck_Master(“for the duration of a Rangers project”);
Write_Another_Exam(“Ruck Exam”);
Immediate_Assimilation(“Ruck Family”);

what is a ruck master?

The Ruck Master (RM) is the face of the ALM Rangers distributed/virtual/part-time/volunteer based process, who guides, mentors and coaches the project leads and teams as needed.

Key factors include:

  • Remove impediments!
  • Communicate^Communicate.
  • Be a team player, facilitating, mentoring and guiding.
  • Share information transparently and ensure team status is visible and known at all times.
  • Support the product owner and project leads.
  • Continuously improve the team’s and the ALM Ranger engineering practices and tools.

I love the two slides that Brian Blackman, Master of Ruck Masters, uses when he explains our unique project ecosystem, explaining why we are using Ruck (term for a loose Scrum in Rugby) and not Scrum:


Sorry Ben Roscorla, for getting side-tracked. However, it is important to give your great achievement some context Smile