VS/TFS 2010 SP1 Beta
The VS/TFS 2010 SP1 Beta has been released! Brian has details on his blog but I wanted to draw attention to the Team Build fixes in this service pack, what’s great is that some of these fixes directly resulted from our dogfooding:
Build Automation
- Cannot delete build drops if a controller goes down
- Summary View: The first changeset in the list of 'Associated Changesets' show up twice (sometimes)
- Ancient changesets being associated with build...
- Memory leaks and performance drop on TFS 2010 Build Service under heavy load
- Watson: Application buildnotification.exe; Exception system.argumentnullexception
- Watson: Application tfsbuildservicehost.exe from Dev10 RTM; Exception 0xC000001D
- Change the default in "Build Retention"->"What to Delete" from "All" to "All - Test Result"
- Manually queueing a gated check-in build intermittedly disables the dropdown "what do you want to build?"
- Build Definition Cache on the AT can become corrupt when multiple definitions map/cloak the same paths in the workspace templates
- Undo in gated check-in does not remove unshelved adds from the disk leaving a cluttered workspace and allowing breaking check-ins to potentially make it through
- Customer can inadvertently change build quality due to odd focus and scroll wheel interaction