Visual Studio Macro to Output All Key Bindings
In my new role I’m primarily developing in C# whereas my primary language in the past has been Visual Basic .NET. With a different language, comes a different Visual Studio profile, and with a different Visual Studio profile comes different key bindings.
This Visual Studio macro outputs each Visual Studio command (alphabetically) and its associated key bindings. When run the key bindings will be output to Visual Studio’s Output window, from here you can copy and paste them into whatever format you want.
Public Sub DumpBindings()
Dim commands As New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String))
For Each command As Command In DTE.Commands
Dim bindings As Object() = DirectCast(command.Bindings, Object())
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(command.Name) OrElse bindings.Length = 0 Then
Continue For
End If
commands.Add(command.Name, New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String))
For Each binding As Object In bindings
Dim bindingValue As String = DirectCast(binding, String)
Dim commandNames(commands.Keys.Count - 1) As String
commands.Keys.CopyTo(commandNames, 0)
For Each commandName As String In commandNames
For Each binding As String In commands(commandName)
Debug.WriteLine("{0}{1}", ControlChars.Tab, binding)
End Sub