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The Microsoft TechNet Guru Awards! (September 2015)

All the votes are in!  


And below are the results for the TechNet Guru Awards, September 2015 !!!!


The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.

See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.


We have picked the top three highest scored contributions for each category to bestow our awards upon.

The awards are in gold, silver and bronze, the gold obviously being the top winner of the category.

The last column is just a few of the comments judges made during the judging process.

In some cases, we have not obtained permission to use the judges names, so they have been reduced to initials.


My fellow wiki ninjas will be digging deeper into some of these articles in this blog series, so watch out for those.

Starting this month you will notice some articles are marked as failing to meet our minimum bar for quality or content.

Any of our judges can exercise their right to veto an article, if they do not feel it meets minimum requirements for a medal.  

When this is the case, we will at least give an indication of the reason, so you understand why.


A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the medals of a category.

Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.

Guru Award  BizTalk Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Janardhan Bikka BizTalk Server 2013 R2 integration with MS Dynamics CRM 2015 Sandro Pereira: "Great topic, great article, well explained, lot of pictures, WOW keep coming! The layout/presentation of the article need to be treated and improved, but that I minor point regarding the quality of the article" Abhishek Kumar: "Very good Article on CRM integration and well explained . Thanks for your Contribution ." LG: "Material is interesting, but article content is too long."

Silver Award Winner


Rahul_Madaan Passing a message to BRE using Call Rules Shape Sandro Pereira: "The layout/presentation of the article need to be remade (different types of lettering, pictures could be better, pour layout of headers,…). This is a beginner article and steps explanations should be better detailed. This way the article is difficult to read and understand by their audience."
Guru Award  Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Ryan Newington Take the guess work out of XPath with the Lithnet FIM Service PowerShell Module

Søren Granfeldt: "Excellent stuff"

Ed Price: "Great use of links for cross referencing!"

Silver Award Winner


Peter Geelen - MSFT FIM 2010: Verifying the Sync Engine Security Groups

Søren Granfeldt  "Nice work Peter"

Ed Price: "Good use of images and great to include the script sample!"

Bronze Award Winner


Wim Beck FIM2010: Localize Self Service Password Reset

Søren Granfeldt: "Thank you for this Wim!"

Ed Price: "Fantastic depth and great to read. Great article!"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

Guru Award  Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Michel Jatoba Stop and Start VMs with Automation on Microsoft Azure

JH: "Very good article with a detailed step-by-step guide. Love the amount of pictures."

Ed Price: "Great topic and great use of images! What a valuable article!"

Silver Award Winner


Samir Farhat Create an URL Rewrite service via Azure Web App

JH: "Not an advanced topic, but most people struggle on it. Really good explanation."

Ed Price: "Perfect! I love this direct and thorough how to! Fantastic job on this!"

Bronze Award Winner


Ruud Borst Multi-tenant Azure AD federation with PowerShell

JH: "Interesting article. Would be better to have less text and a more detailed explanation of the script."

Ed Price: "Great scenario with a ton of explanation! More of a breakdown on the script would be good, but I still love the large amount of details here! Great job!"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

Guru Award  Miscellaneous Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Rishabh Banga Full Home Automation with Azure & Voice Assistance using Intel Galileo Gen 1 & Windows 10 Durval Ramos: "This is an inspiring and practical article, which combines multiple platforms and allows you to create a very useful solution." Richard Mueller: "A very interesting and potentially useful idea. Good detailed steps, with lots of code. Good images and great use of Wiki guidelines."

Silver Award Winner


Pooja Baraskar Smart Baby Monitor with Intel Edison and Ubidots Durval Ramos: "This article is interesting and presents the "simple content". It's very easy to understand what must be done, but need to add "References" section to indicate where his work was inspired." Richard Mueller: "What a great idea. Very good images and detailed explanation."

Bronze Award Winner


Carmelo La Monica Part one: tools for debugging in Visual Studio 2015 Durval Ramos: "This article presents a resource that can be the difference between a successful solution and a project that should be reformed. Very good" Richard Mueller: "Good introduction to VS 2015. Good images and explanation. Grammar needs works."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

Guru Award  SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Dan Christian Closer look at SharePoint Server 2016 Preview Ashutosh Singh: "Thanks Dan" TN: "A good wrap-up in SharePoint 2016"

Silver Award Winner


Inderjeet Singh Jaggi SharePoint 2016 Farm configuration issue on Windows Azure Virtual Machine Ashutosh Singh: "This is very good" TN: "An interesting post"

Bronze Award Winner


Dan Christian Installing the Office Online Server Preview TN: "Great article on how to set up Office Online Server including some common issues" Ashutosh Singh: "Thanks for this Dan"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

Guru Award  Small Basic Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Emiliano Musso Prime Number Factorization with Small Basic Michiel Van Hoorn: "Put your math to practice. Great write up. "

Silver Award Winner


Ed Price - MSFT Small Basic: Automatic Type Conversion Michiel Van Hoorn: "Useful if you are starting juggling with numbers in Small basic"


Guru Award  SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Maruthachalam K Creating reports using OData Feed in Power BI RB: "Nice explicative walkthrough." JS: "Great article, I would want one word concerning security of ODATA feeds in the article as well." Durval Ramos: "This article is very well illustrated, but need to add the "References" and "See Also" sections to valuable this article. Additional information is needed to validate your content" PT: "This post demonstrates the ease and utility of Power BI with an OData data source. Thank you for this valuable contribution."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • SSRS: Join data from different SSRS data sources into data set by sergey vdovin
    PT: "At first I had mixed feelings about promoting these techniques as a best practice, given the level of complexity. However your approach to this challenging problem well executed and clearly explained. Thank you for posting this useful information."
    RB: "Not much information here, apart from link to github projects"
    OT: "I personally don´t see any greater benefit in writing a separate article and referring an already existing one without pointing out really new stuff. The old one is pretty good and although the author does not get much love updating this, he should in order to have the thing in one place."
    AN: "The content is not complete and the "Solution" section was written in another article. This article's very confused."
Guru Award  SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Martin Smith Clustered and Nonclustered indexes JS: "Instead of "to explicitly include all non key columns" => "to explicitly include one or more non-key columns". Liked the spatial representation!" AM: "Simple and concise explanation. Great illustration as a plus." Durval Ramos: "A good presentation about how each index works."

Silver Award Winner


Yashwant Vishwakarma SQL Server Databases: Back To Basics JS: "Although nothing really leading edge, a good start for new beginners in one place. I would want more references to MSDN articles in order to enable the reader digging in a bit deeper." Durval Ramos: "This article's a good summary about "some" SQL Server features and has good images, but I believe that can be improved if add more details in each database type"
Guru Award  System Center Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Adin E Cluster Patching Showdown: Comparing SCVMM and SCCM Patching

Peter Laker: "An excellent and in depth article"

Ed Price: "Wow! Fantastic details!"

Silver Award Winner


Foothill1 SCSM Data Warehouse Search Tool

Peter Laker: "Thanks for the contribution Foothill1"

Ed Price: "Good topic. The example is helpful."

Guru Award  Transact-SQL Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Martin Smith Unpivot vs Apply Manoj Pandey: "Very informative post about usage of UNPIVOT and/vs CROSS APPLY. But you could have given more details on the top of what are you covering in your post." Durval Ramos: "This is a good article, but need add "References" and "See Also" sections to additional content based on their original idea (post or article)." Richard Mueller: "Good use of Wiki guidelines. I liked the images. A See Also and Other Resources could be useful."
Guru Award  Universal Windows Apps Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Rishabh Banga Full Home Automation with Azure & Voice Assistance using Intel Galileo Gen 1 & Windows 10

JH: "What an article! Needs just a little formatting. Love the whole IoT stuff."

Ed Price: "This is truly beautiful! The hardware images are helpful, the UI images are great, and the code is formatted very well! Plus the topic is ambitious and fun!"

Silver Award Winner


Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan Building camera app with library in Windows 10

JH: "Very detailed explanations and a lot of code snippets. A good one."

Ed Price: "I love how this is a specific app type. Very useful for developers!"

Bronze Award Winner


SYED SHANU Windows 10 Universal App Development for Name Puzzle Game

JH: "Fun article. Will try this one myself."

Ed Price: "What a fun game! Fantastic execution on this article! Great job!"

Guru Award  Visual Basic Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Emiliano Musso Basis of Neural Networks in Visual Basic .NET Carmelo La Monica: "Fantastic!!! Perfect article, great code snippet and theory of Neutral Networks. Congrats!" Richard Mueller: "Very interesting topic and well researched. Would be great to play with this. Grammar could be improved." MR: "Great article!"

Silver Award Winner


.paul. CheckBoxColumn Select All Demo MR: "Simple but very effective!" Carmelo La Monica: "Great topic and useful for to extend function on Datagridview." Richard Mueller: "A well written article. I would like to see more links to other references."
Guru Award  Visual C# Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


SYED SHANU DataGridView Gantt style chart using C# Winform Carmelo La Monica: "Very interesting topics and very and useful for to extend function on Datagridview. Congrats!" Jaliya Udagedara: "Explains a solution to a specific problem. Love the fact that sample code is available to download. A bit of formatting is needed in the article."

Silver Award Winner


Ken Cenerelli Understanding the Visual Studio AssemblyInfo Class Jaliya Udagedara: "Well explained the topic for well formatted. It’s just perfect." Carmelo La Monica: "Congratulations, article very detailed in all parts, useful for to understand AsssemblyInfo Class, good code snippet and images."

Bronze Award Winner


Gaurav Kumar Arora C#: How to check whether API server is up or down Jaliya Udagedara: "Little bit of code formatting and a link to download the sample code will help readers a bit more." Carmelo La Monica: "Great topics and very useful for to understand if api server in up o down. Congrats!"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • MVC Web API And AngularJS: Are You Genius Game by SYED SHANU
    Carmelo La Monica: "Interesting, i don't have experience on Asp.Net, but article very interesting, good image and code snippet."
    Jaliya Udagedara: "Explains a specific application. Love the fact that a lot of images is used and sample code is available to download which helps the readers. A bit of article formatting is needed."
  • Little More Information On Casting and Type Checking in C# by Isham Mohamed
    Jaliya Udagedara: "Explains the topic of the article in detail. If we can have little bit of formatting in the article, then it will be perfect."
    Carmelo La Monica: "Sometime is a problem for casting Object, but with this article we can to understand how to convert correctly an object or variable. Congrats!"
  • ASP.NET MVC HangFire - Execute Jobs in Background using SQLServer by João Sousa
    Jaliya Udagedara: "I would rather change the title of the article to “Configure Hangfire in an ASP.NET MVC Application”, because that is what explained in the article. Good job!"
    Carmelo La Monica: "Great content, and useful image and code snippet. Congratulations!"
  • MVC Web API and Angular JS For Word Puzzle Game by SYED SHANU
    Carmelo La Monica: "Same comment for MVC Web API And AngularJS: Are You Genius Game. Congratulations!"
    Jaliya Udagedara: "Explains a specific application. Love the fact that a lot of images is used and sample code is available to download which helps the readers. A bit of article formatting is needed."
Guru Award  Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Ken Cenerelli Visual Studio 2015 Portal Durval Ramos: "A great portal. Very useful !!!" Richard Mueller: "Outstanding example of usage of Wiki Guidelines. And a great collection of links."
Guru Award  Windows PowerShell Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Curtis Smith PowerShell: Directing DNS with PowerShell Jan Egil Ring: "My favorite this month" Richard Mueller: "A great article with excellent explanations and good use of Wiki guidelines. Good step by step detail. Some of the topics could go in another article, or you could reference existing references. For example, documentation of string methods and explanation of $_."

Silver Award Winner


Peter Geelen - MSFT PowerShell: Event viewer statistics Richard Mueller: "Lots of code, but also lots of comments. Good use of Wiki guidelines. Great to give credit. Maybe could use some more discussion." Jan Egil Ring: "Excellent work!"

Bronze Award Winner


Sravan Eatoor PowerShell: Dynamic Form - All In One Tool Jan Egil Ring: "Thanks Sravan" Richard Mueller: "An interesting idea that might prove useful where organizations have collected many scripts."
Guru Award  Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Andy ONeill MVVM Step by Step 2 LL: "Good article!" Peter Laker: "Nice work as always Andy!"

Silver Award Winner


Tom Mohan Hierarchical Binding Using HierarchialDataTemplate LL: "Nice 101" Peter Laker: "Thank you Tom!"
Guru Award  Windows Server Technical Guru - September 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Richard Mueller Active Directory: Allow Linked Multi-Valued Attributes to use LVR Mark Parris: "Information to show that just by raising the FFL, there is still more work that may need to happen." JM: "This is an excellent article, thanks for your continued contributions."

Silver Award Winner


Darshana Jayathilake File Server Migration Toolkit Mark Parris: "Useful information now that Windows 2003 is no longer a supported platform." JM: "This is a great articled that will help admins migrate WS03 file servers, nice work."

Bronze Award Winner


FZB WSUS: the underlying Connection was closed during Server cleanup Mark Parris: "Good tidbit of information around WSUS and the command line." JM: "This is a very good article that will help admins clean up their WSUS databases"


A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to September's competition.

Hopefully we will see you ALL again in "SHOCKTOBER" 2015's listings?


If you haven't contributed an article for this month, and you think you can create a more useful, clever and better presented wiki article than the winners above, here's your chance! :D


Best regards,
Pete Laker

More about the TechNet Guru Awards:

Forum posts:

  1. Azure
  2. Azure
  3. Azure
  4. BizTalk
  5. BizTalk
  6. C#
  7. FIM
  8. Power Pivot
  9. PowerShell
  10. SharePoint 2010
  11. Small Basic
  12. SQL Server
  13. SS DBE
  14. SSAS
  15. SSIS
  16. SSRS
  17. Store App
  18. System Center
  19. System Center
  20. System Center
  21. System Center
  22. System Center
  23. System Center
  24. System Center
  25. TN Wiki
  26. T-SQL
  27. VB
  28. Visio
  29. Windows Phone
  30. Windows Server
  31. Windows Server
  32. Windows Server
  33. Windows Server
  34. WPF


  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2015
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2015
    Congratulations to all and especially Michel Jatoba by the excelent contributions Wiki Ninjas Brazil .
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2015
    Congratulations to all, Its really good to be party of this group Wiki Ninjas. Thanks for you all.
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2015
    Congratulations to all, and thanks to the judges
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2015
    Congratulations to all, and thanks to the judges
  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2015
    Thanks to the judges and Pete for their time.
    Congratulations to all.
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    Congratulations to all!
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    Congrats all.
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    @JS Included columns can indeed include one or more non key columns but the passage you are referring to is explicitly talking about creating a non clustered index that is similar to a clustered index in the sense that it covers all columns. Thanks for the nice other remarks!
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    Congrats to all the winners and thanks to the judges for their hard work!
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    Thanks everybody for the reviews and congratulations to everyone ).

    The aim of the current article was mainly to overview common points in all the approaches in order to reveal some freedom in solutions construction. As an example of this construction JOIN operation was considered. As far as we already have two full example articles with solutions that were constructed using the pattern i only described the construction points in the current article.

    Another aim was to close the theme as for now - with the overview it looks rather completed as for me - I am not going to write more articles about how to process data from SSRS data sources as for now )))) just maybe I will consider performance comparison of different approaches in some further articles - started the theme with web performance visual studio tests in the same visual studio solution on GitHub)
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    Congrats to Emiliano for besting me in the Small Basic category! =^)

    Seriously though, great content everyone! Fantastic month!

    What an amazing showing in the Azure, Miscellaneous (especially other dev related articles), and C#. I love to see these dev topics expand out in content! Great job, everyone!
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    I read Pooja's article ("Smart Baby Monitor with Intel Edison and Ubidots") and I can't help but think...

    Robot Nanny!!! =^)

    Great job on that article, Pooja! I love the emphasis on IoT, microcontrollers, and robotics... that we've been getting more of lately. It tells a greate end-to-end hardware + software story!

    Another fantastic example was Rishabh's gold-medal winner, "Full Home Automation with Azure & Voice Assistance using Intel Galileo Gen 1 & Windows 10".

    Great examples!
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    Thanks Judges for your time and expertise. I definitely appreciate the great feedback.
  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2015
    Olá Wiki Ninjas Brasil. Sejam muito bem-vindos à mais uma Wiki Life.

    Meu nome é
  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2015
    Congratulations to all the winners and a job well done to all the contributors.

    Winning gold and bronze in the same category at the same time definitely puts a smile on my face :-)
  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2015
    Congrats to our multiple award winners of the month who won two awards...

    Emiliano Musso, Martin Smith, Peter Geelen, Syed Shanu, Ken Cenerelli, and Dan Christian!
  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2015
    Congratulations to all the winners!
    Well done to all contributors
  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2015
    Thank You all for your support ,Comments and Article editing.Congrats to all the winners :)
  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2015
    Thank You all for your support ,Comments and Article editing.Congrats to all the winners :)
  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2015
    Thanks Judges for your time and expertise. I definitely appreciate the great feedback!
  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2015
    Thanks Judges for your time and expertise. I definitely appreciate the great feedback. Congratulations to all other winners!
  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2015
    Thanks to judges and contributors also congrats to all winners :)
  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2015
    Thanks Ed, I am glad that you liked it. IoT gives you power of creation, it is very easy to create something awesome with simple sensors :)
  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2015
    Congratulations to all winners! Thanks moderator for selecting my articles.
  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2015
    Looks like Emiliano beat me squarely with the September content:

    Small Basic Technical
  • Anonymous
    November 07, 2015

    Millard Aprigliano,
  • Anonymous
    November 14, 2015
    congratulations all

    Clyde Devita,
  • Anonymous
    December 10, 2015
    I'm following up my earlier Thursday post: Council Spotlight - Who will be crowned the last TechNet
  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2016
    NOTE: We now have a Skype group that is exclusive to Guru Gold Medal Winners! So if you’ve won a gold medal, but aren’t in the Skype group, please notify me on Skype. My Skype name is “live:edwardnprice”Thanks!