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Dan's WebDAV 101

This blog covers Messaging API development for Exchange and Outlook. My name is Daniel Bagley, I'm on the Messaging Developer Team.

EASTester 1.10 Release

This release has some new features and several important fixes. The goals of this release were to...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 06/10/2016

New release – EWSEditor 1.15

This is mostly a bug fix release. However, there are a few new features. This version uses the same...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/03/2016

AutoDiscover is slow with the EWS Managed API

Yes, it can take a while. However, you may be able to speed things up. The best practice is to store...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 04/29/2016

EWS and Federated Authentication

Many are joining enjoying the benefits of federated authentication with OWA. However, with EWS they...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 04/29/2016

Testing sample which uses HttpWebRequest to do a POST to EWS

There are sometimes issues encountered which are difficult to resolve. There are many things which...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 04/14/2016

Best Practices: EWS Managed API coding for Exchange

There are issues which we seem to get a lot of cases on which are tied to the way a customer writes...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 04/12/2016

EWSEditor 1.14 Released

It's been a long time since there has been a release of EWSEditor. This latest version has many new...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 04/02/2016

Sample: Use JavaScript with OOM to create an email with an attachment and display it in Outlook for sending.

This sample shows how OOM can be used with JavaScript from the command line. Use cscript to launch...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 03/04/2016

Sample: Use OOM in an HTML page to create an email with an attachment and display it using Outlook.

Some customers use Outlook Object Model in IE.  This example shows how this might be done.  Note...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 03/04/2016

About: Encrypting or signing a message programmatically

We get cases on encrypting email from time to time.   With Microsoft messaging APIs, sending an...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 12/16/2015

Exchange throttling is your friend… well, more like a police officer.

Here is one way to think of Exchange throttling: Exchange is the freeway. Applications accessing...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/18/2015

EWS Streaming Notifications with Exchange 2013

Below are some pointers on EWS streaming events with Exchange 2013/Exchange Online.    The basics:...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/17/2015

Delegate access with Exchange Server ActiveSync (EAS)

I see questions and issues coming up about delegate access with EAS/ActiveSync quite often.  If you...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/10/2015

EASTester 1.8 released.

This release provides many fixes and a few new features. Shows version in main window. Changed lists...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 11/06/2015

OOM.NET - Leaks due to using a compound call and not releasing the intermediate objects.

Sometimes spotting the cause of a leak with COM objects under .NET is very difficult. Its important...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 09/10/2015

Wait! Before you use that sample...!!!

One of the biggest mistakes developers and admins make is to take code or a script and plug it right...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 08/19/2015

About: Exchange Transport Agents

API Interface: .NET and in process with Exchange transport. Business Logic: Access and modify...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 08/07/2015

About: Mailbox event and Notification APIs

One with developing code for messaging development is to have code run when a specific event...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 08/07/2015

About: Messaging APIs

There are many different types of APIs which are focused on mailbox access, administration and...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 08/07/2015

About: Exchange Store Sinks

API Interface: COM interface implementation hosted in COM+. Business Logic: Store sink interfaces do...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 08/07/2015

About: SMTP Event Sinks

API Interface: COM interfaces. Business Logic: SMTP event sink interfaces which allow code to read...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 08/07/2015

About: Mail Apps for Outlook

API Type:  UI Customization API Interface: .NET Business Logic: Adds features to standard item...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 08/07/2015

Why does AppointmentItem.UserProperties.Find leak under .NET?

If you have used COM under .NET then you are probably familiar with leaking memory under .NET and...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 08/04/2015

How to access the archive folder when user's mailbox is on-premise and the archive mailbox is in the cloud.

If you have found that accessing a cloud archive folder is not working using the EWS Managed API...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 07/27/2015

EAS Inspector for Fiddler 1.4

For the 1.4 released I've added the preliminary EAS 16.0 schema fields. Note that these are not for...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 07/21/2015

EASTester 1.7 Released

For the 1.7 released I've added the preliminary EAS 16.0 schema fields. Note that these are not for...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 07/21/2015

Best Practices - EWS is not generating ATTENDEE section for iCal/MIME/VCALENDAR pulled from a meeting.

This is expected behavior. Per MSDN: Programmatically reestablishing meeting organizer/attendee...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 06/15/2015

About: Exchange Server ActiveSync (EAS)

API Type:  Mailbox Assessor API Interface: APIs which can send a POST. Business Logic: Works with...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 06/01/2015

About: Exchange APIs to backup and restore data

Summary: There limited supported ways to backup and restore data with Exchange programmatically....

Author: Webdav101 Date: 06/01/2015

About: Exchange VSS Writer - Exchange backup and restore

API Interface: COM Library (IUnknown only) Business Logic: Exchange Backup. Language Support:...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 06/01/2015

Code running against Outlook is very slow when PST or OST is on a network folder or non-physical/non-VHD drive.

There is no support for performance issues with Outlook where the PST or OST are on a network folder...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/29/2015

About: Mailbox Accessing APIs

These APIs are used to access folders and items inside mailbox and public folder stores.  These are...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/28/2015

Exchange and Outlook Development Help

I've assembled lists of sites where you can look for information and help on APIs dealing with...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/28/2015

About: SMTP Sending APIs

Summary: Microsoft has several APIs which send email by SMTP.  These 'SMTP Senders' are meant to...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/28/2015

Events from mailbox activity

One with developing code for messaging development is to have code run when a specific event...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/27/2015

About: Exchange Backup and Restore API

API Type: Exchange Backup API Interface: Exported functions, no COM interfaces. Business Logic:...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/18/2015

About: System.Net.Mail (SNM)

API Type: SMTP Sender API Interface: .NET Framework Namespace Classes. Business Logic: Sending mail...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/18/2015

About: Exchange PowerShell Automation

API Type: Exchange Administration API Interface: .NET Framework Class Libraries Business Logic:...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/18/2015

About: Extended MAPI

API Type: Mailbox Accessor API Interface: COM-like but not true COM.  MAPI pre-dates COM. Business...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/18/2015

About: CDO 1.21

API Interface: Mailbox AccessorAPI Interface: COM Library with no custom interfaces (IDispatch...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/18/2015

About: Office 365 REST APIs for Exchange

API Type:  Mailbox Assessor API Interface: REST, JSON, OAuth v2 over HTTP Business Logic: Works with...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/18/2015

About: Outlook Object Model (OOM)

API Type: Mailbox Accessor API Interface: COM Library Business Logic: Richest Outlook item support...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/18/2015

About: WebDav

API Interface: Mailbox Accessor API Interface: HTTP Protocol Extension Business Logic: Mail,...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/18/2015

About: System.Web.Mail (SWM)

API Type: SMTP Sender API Interface: .NET Framework Namespace Classes. Business Logic: Sending mail...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/18/2015

About: CDO for Windows 2000 (CDOSYS)

API Type: SMTP Sender. API Interface: COM Library. Business Logic: Sending mail via SMTP Language...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/18/2015

OWA customization and development

What is supported and works differs in different versions of OWA.  So, its important to be sure that...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/14/2015

Best Practices - EWS Authentication and Access Issues

Authentication and access to a mailbox is an often misunderstood area.  I'm going to cover...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/11/2015

Best Practices - What is supported and not.

The issue of supportability comes up a lot.  I would like cover it in this blog post. When we get...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/06/2015

Best Practices - Enhancing EWS

There is only one supported way to enhance EWS and that is for a customer with a Premier agreement...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/05/2015

Introducing OOMExplore

There are not many large samples which use OOM code. A couple of years ago I had written a basic...

Author: Webdav101 Date: 05/04/2015

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