The OPENROWSET Trick: Accessing Stored Procedure Output In A SELECT Statement
Updated 20 Mar 2009: This code is revisited here.
This nifty little trick will allow you, with some limitations, to treat the output of a stored procedure as a named SQL record set rather than creating a table and going through an INSERT.. EXEC process. The output of the stored procedure is then available for direct manipulation in SELECT statements, JOINs, etc.
I’ve passed on this nugget many times since it was first shared with me about five years ago. I’ve tried to find the person who came up with it first, I’ve lately heard from someone who published it in a newsgroup back in 1999. A shy individual, this person wants no part of my efforts to publicly recognize the genius behind this approach (my favorite comment from a colleague, upon seeing this, was “That's sick! In a twisted, useful, and instructive way, of course!”)
This syntax works in both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005, and requires integrated security to be turned on. Under SQL Server 2005, Ad Hoc Distributed Queries must be enabled.
Here’s a simple sample that assigns the output from master.sp_who to a derived table called tbl:
FROM OPENROWSET ('SQLOLEDB','Server=(local);TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','set fmtonly off exec master.dbo.sp_who')
AS tbl
Here’s a slightly more complex (but perhaps ultimately silly) example that joins the output from two stored procedures:
SELECT who.loginame AS LoginName,
DB_NAME(locks.dbid) AS DatabaseName,
FROM OPENROWSET ('SQLOLEDB','Server=(local);TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','set fmtonly off exec master.dbo.sp_who')
AS who
JOIN OPENROWSET ('SQLOLEDB','Server=(local);TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','set fmtonly off exec master.dbo.sp_lock')
AS locks
ON who.spid = locks.spid
A couple of notes:
- The ‘set fmtonly off’ is included only for completeness. If you’re certain the FMTONLY will always be set to OFF, it’s safe to omit this (if FMTONLY is set ON, the calls will produce only metadata, no results).
- The OPENROWSET call opens a separate connection to SQL Server, so there is some overhead associated with this approach. For this reason, I’d avoid using this technique in an OLTP system as it’s unlikely to scale well (don’t run with scissors).
- Using this technique with a poorly architected stored procedure could lead to blocking issues.
- This technique is not supported inside a declared transaction.
January 01, 2003
One of the most popular posts in the history of this little corner of the Internets is one from August,Anonymous
January 01, 2003
All I did was ask a question, honest..
When I was vetting my recent post regarding database design issues,...Anonymous
January 01, 2003
A quick-and-dirty solution for importing file-based XML documents into SQL Server tables is discussed.Anonymous
April 11, 2008
Thank you so much for sharing this. I've been looking for this solution for a long time. I really appriceiate it.Anonymous
March 18, 2009
Nice - does it work with parameters too?Anonymous
February 02, 2011
sweet...exactly what I was looking for, and yes it does work with parameters too. I only need this to debug so not worried about performance. xxooxxooAnonymous
February 25, 2011
This code does'nt work for me when i'm using an SP that has parameters!Anonymous
April 01, 2011
DECLARE @P XML Declare @T table(X XML) INSERT INTO @T(X) EXEC sp_executesql N' SELECT 1 as Tag, NULL as Parent, LogId AS [TABLE!1!LogId], NULL AS [TR!2!OrderBy], NULL AS [TR!2!Color], NULL AS [TR!2!TD!ELEMENT], NULL AS [TR!2!TD!ELEMENT], NULL AS [TR!2!TD!ELEMENT], NULL AS [TR!2!TD!ELEMENT] FROM [Log].[Log] L UNION ALL SELECT 2 as Tag, 1 as Parent, LI_LogId, LogItemId, CASE LI_Status WHEN ''E'' THEN ''Red'' ELSE ''Black'' END AS Color, LogItemId, LI_DT, LI_AffectedDbObject, LI_Msg FROM ( SELECT L.Descr ,LI.[LogItemId] ,LI.[LogId] AS LI_LogId ,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(40), LI.[DT], 121) AS LI_DT ,LI.[Msg] AS LI_Msg ,LI.[AffectedDbObject] AS LI_AffectedDbObject ,LI.[Status] AS LI_Status FROM [Log].[Log] L LEFT JOIN [Log].[LogItems] LI ON LI.LogId = L.LogId WHERE L.LogId = [Log].GetLastLogId() ) A ORDER BY [TR!2!OrderBy] ASC FOR XML EXPLICIT, ROOT(''BODY''), TYPE ' SELECT X AS LogHtmlInfo FROM @TAnonymous
May 04, 2011
Ha, thanks, I have been looking this all over the place this afternoon. I tried the parameters and it works too. Probably it is a 2008 thing, Donald. Thanks <a href="">Happy Mother's Day</a>Anonymous
October 31, 2011
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 14, 2014
I have to to read data from FoxPro through openrowset and path will variable.please can you tell me how I can do that.Anonymous
January 03, 2016
Thanks, your post help me!