Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 is online :-)
This is AWESOME :-) IE8 Beta 1 is here and it comes with some nice features like
- CSS 2.1 Compliance - showing how pages built for Firebox and Safari will work in IE. There is an IE7 compatibility mode that can help with support for older non-compliant code
- CSS Certification - test suite for CSS support, contributed 702 test cases for CSS standards body
- Performance - good progress towards making IE8 closer in performance to the other popular browsers
- HTML 5 - start of support for HTML 5, deeper integration between the browser and AJAX capabilities, support for making web pages network aware (am I online or not)
- Developer Tools - integrated develop tools for IE: script debugging, DOM inspection, CSS style tracing
- Activities - services linked to raw content on the page, for example link to Live Maps from an address or eBay from a product name. No links in code, XML definition of activity context menus
- WebSlices - subscribe to a portion of a Web page, for example a slice of an eBay page, slice of an Amazon page, a slice of Facebook, etc. The site developer adds a bit of markup to make this feature available. Making this specification available through the open standards process
Get IE8 Beta 1 from
April 11, 2008
With installing IE 8 beta the Norton Internet Security 2008 anti pishing tool is disabled. There must be a compatiblity problem. It's not so good.Anonymous
October 24, 2008
can not run outlook express in Internet Explorer Browser 8