Windows Server Posters–in an App!
It seems like all I am talking about right now is our posters – but this is too cool to not mention. Hopefully, as a reader of my blog you are well familiar with the highly detailed Windows Server architectural posters that we have been releasing over the last couple of years. Well – you can now get these all on your computer as a Windows 8 application:
The Server Posterpedia (you can grab it from the Windows Store or from here: includes all the posters we have ever released in an easy to navigate and use manner. We have also put up a short video demo of what this app looks like in action here:
One final note – if you are using this on a touch device, you can use pinch and zoom to jump into all of the details. If you are on a mouse-and-keyboard computer – you can use ctrl + mouse wheel to zoom in and out on each of the posters.
September 20, 2012
Any idea when the server 2012 posters come out! The hyper v one is brilliant!Anonymous
September 21, 2012
Good One.Anonymous
September 23, 2012
Hi, this app looks fantastic. I've tried to install it, but there is no install button in the Windows 8 Store. Is it only available in the US? I'm in NZ. Great work!Anonymous
September 23, 2012
The comment has been removedAnonymous
November 17, 2012
Have installed these and am sure they'd be great as big, printed posters... but I think the requirement can be better-met with a rich online exploration of the topics, using simple animations and links between topics. If I had the time, I'd have a go at creating a Prezi-type zoomable space around these topics to illustrate what I mean. Maybe someone closer to the Microsoft tech communication world could do this with the next set of technologies?Anonymous
December 16, 2012
So, these "server posters" are basically just some large images that could be distributed as png or svg files. Instead, if I want to see them I need to install an app that serves no purpose but to view only these images? MAXIMUM INEFFICIENCY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDED!Anonymous
December 01, 2016
I wonder when 2016 posters will be out!