SCVMM 2012 RC Released
Yesterday the System Center Virtual Machine Manager team announced that SCVMM 2012 has hit “Release Candidate”. You can read all about it here:
Two things that I would like to highlight are:
- SCVMM 2012 is a huge step forward in technology / capabilities / concepts for SCVMM. So I would really encourage you to start looking at this now to figure out how it is going to work in your environment.
- The SCVMM team have helpfully provided a “ready to go” evaluation virtual machine, with all the components installed to get you up and running on SCVMM 2012. You can download it from here:
March 21, 2012
That evaluation VM link doesn't work for me.Anonymous
March 23, 2012
It looks like the RC evaluation is no longer available online