Performing bulk configuration changes with PowerShell in Hyper-V on Windows “8”
Over the weekend I noticed that one of my Hyper-V servers was running tight on memory. I did not want to move any of the virtual machines off of the server – so I decided to reduce the memory buffer on each of my virtual machines. At first I started using the graphical user interface to change the setting on each of the virtual machines. After a moment I realized that I could do this much more quickly in PowerShell by simply running Get-VM | Set-VMMemory –Buffer 10:
Once this was completed – I immediately jumped back into the GUI to check all my virtual machines had been updated. Once again I realized that this could be done more quickly through PowerShell by running Get-VM | Get-VMMemory | ft VMName, Buffer:
Now, normally PowerShell cmdlets do not return results just to confirm that things actually succeeded (they only display error messages). But if you are paranoid like me – you can get a command to display an output by using the “passthru” option like this: