Un altro episodio di Italia 9 in prima pagina - Another episode of Italia 9 makes it to the home page
Another episode of Italia 9, our channel9 show featuring Italians working in the Redmond campus. Questa volta Alessandro "Cato" Catorcini ci parla di Common Language Runtime, Silverlight e applicationi ad alta affidabilita'. Enjoy the video from here!
As always special thanks to Charles "Carlo" Torre, without whom this show would simply not be possible.
From Channel9's caption:
Passate le vacanze, ecco puntuale la seconda puntata di Italia 9!
Questa volta Vittorio e’ andato a trovare Alessandro Catorcini, un altro genovese che fa il senior program manager nel common language runtime team. Dopo la chiacchierata di rito sul come sia finito a lavorare in America per Microsoft, Alessandro parla a ruota libera del CLR: si va dal positioning di Silverlight all’hosting del common language runtime in applicazioni ad altissima affidabilita’ come SQL Server. Durante la discussione Alessandro cita un paper sull’hosting che puo’ essere scaricato da qui; fa inoltre frequente menzione del blog CLR Inside Out, disponibilie da qui.
Come di consueto, Alessandro terra’ d’occhio i commenti al video: se avete domande non esitate a premere “Reply”.
Arrivederci alla prossima puntata!
And the English version, below:
Italia 9: Alessandro Catorcini and .NET Framework Reliability
Now that vacation time is gone, here there’s the second episode of Italia 9!
This time Vittorio went to visit Alessandro Catorcini, another guy from Genova who works as Senior Program manager in the common language runtime team.After the usual chat about how he ended up working for Microsft in theUS, Alessandro talks about the CLR: the discussion flows from Silverlight positioning to the aspects of hosting the CLR on highly reliable applications such as SQL Server. During the discussion Alessandro quotes a paper about CLR hosting, that can be downloaded from here; furthermore, he often mentions the blog CLR Inside Out (feed here).
As usual, Alessandro will keep an eye on the comments; if you have questions please do not heistate to press on the “Reply button.
See you in the next episode!
September 17, 2007
Vibro.NET : Un altro episodio di Italia 9 in prima paginaAnonymous
September 17, 2007
Grande Vittorio!!! Another episode of Italia 9 , our channel9 show featuring Italians working in theAnonymous
September 17, 2007
Vittorio l'ha fatta di nuovo. Another episode of Italia 9, our channel9 showfeaturing Italians working