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Geneva wins a European Identity Award in the category “Best Innovation”

I briefly mentioned this in a post yesterday, but this is so nice that it deserves its very own post. From

On the occasion of the European Identity Conference 2009 (EIC), the leading European event for Identity and Access Management (IAM) and GRC (Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance), the analyst firm Kuppinger Cole conferred the European Identity Award. The award recognizes outstanding projects as well as innovations and additional developments of standards.

And again from the awards page:

In the category “Best innovation”, […] Another award in that category went to Microsoft for their Geneva project, in which federation becomes part of user containers - in the view of Kuppinger Cole, one of the most significant enhancements for future use and dissemination of the Identity Federation.

That’s awesome :-) there were three microsoftees in the room (Carla Canavor, Ariel Gordon and myself) and Ariel did the honors:

