Looking for the latest Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) updates?
If you are looking for the latest updates around the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN), here is a great place to start:
• Visit the “Prepare for the Network” Page on the US Partner Portal to learn:
• What the Microsoft Partner Network is,
• When the changes are happening and it means for partners,
• How to prepare for the changes, and
• What competency and benefit changes partners should expect.
• To get to this page, go to:
• The home page of the US Partner Portal (https://partner.microsoft.com/US/)
• Click on the Program Membership tab (https://partner.microsoft.com/US/program)
• Click on the hyperlink “Prepare for the Microsoft Partner Network” (https://partner.microsoft.com/US/40109866)
• Look for even more content updates to this page in late March/early April to help partners prepare for the changes.
Please look out for more blogs on the MPN changes from our team.
Good Selling,
Scott Akin
Regional Enablement Director