Building a Microsoft Virtualization Practice? Free exam and training vouchers...
Are you building a US Microsoft Virtualization practice?
Well, you will want to take advantage of this offer for free exams and training vouchers to gain the Virtualization competency…value of $1,017.96, while supplies last and vouchers are to be used towards gaining the Virtualization competency before June 15, 2010 for US partners.
Here are the requirements for Server:
Server Virtualization
You must employ or contract with at least two Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs) who have each passed both of these exams:
· Exam 70-403 TS: Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Configuring · Exam 70-652 TS: Windows Server Virtualization, Configuring |
The cost of the the trainings and exams are: |
Certification Training 6319 - $159.99 each
Certification Training 6896 - $223.99 each
Exam 70-652 and 70-403 - $125 each
We want to help you get two MCP's certified and the total value of this offer is $1,017.96. The link to review how much each of these exams and trainings cost is located at:
Here is what you need to do:
· Send the MPN Experts a request for the exams you are needing:
· Include your Partner Name, Partner ID, your name and email address
· cc Scott Akin on your request:
Again, while supplies last and vouchers are to be used towards gaining the Virtualization competency before June 15, 2010.
Good Selling,
Scott Akin,
Regional Enablement Director